Farm Musings

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Meet our newest team member: Josh!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

Josh has been helping with TC Farm for years. But now he's with us each day in the warehouse and on the road, making sure our members get their food each month. Adding Josh to our team has allowed TC Farm to better customize everyone's order and increase our product offering. You'll see some pretty amazing new options from TC Farm thanks to Josh's work!

Returning Coolers and Egg Cartons for Reuse

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, Member News

We love that our TC Farm community helps us reduce waste by returning coolers and egg cartons but we need your help to make that process sustainable. If you return items for reuse, this is a MUST read.

Jack's Brownies

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: desserts, recipes, Newsletter

Cooking should be simple and delicious - brownies will make you happy.

Turkey for 2020

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news

Whether you are cooking up a traditional family feast or scaling things back this year, TC Farm has got you covered.

How the U of M Marching Band is adjusting

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

As many of you know, in addition to helping TC Farm, Betsy also runs the University of Minnesota Marching Band. She recently did an interview for Kare11 about all of the extra planning work her team has done over the last six months. We thought you'd enjoy the story.

It is soup season

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

Who doesn't want a healthy, organic meal ready to go in their freezer? Stock up on your favorite soup and you'll be thanking yourself later!

The Secret to Roasting Potatoes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, vegetarian, Video, recipes, 06-07-2022, 06-14-2022

When we started our farm, we were so busy... I swear we lived off of these roasted potatoes and pan-fried ground beef. Check out the secret to the best-tasting potatoes!

Forest Hogs - The very best pork

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: new products, member news

If you want to try the very best pork, check out our amazing Forest Hog

Brioche Brat Buns from Backwards Bread

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: new products, member news

We've got some buns to go with our brats!

TC Farm Sampler for September

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: new products, member news

We have a new sampler we are offering for September

New Soups!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: new products, member news

TC Farm has some new soups we are offering along with our monthly deliveries

September Apples

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: new products, member news

TC Farm isn't only meat. We have apples for our members this month and next. These are varieties you won't find in the grocery store and pretty incredible. We're so glad to have a farm where we are able to offer locally raised meats and produce you can't find other places!

Cornish Cross Chicken for 2020

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: member news, newsletter

We're always finding ways to get better at what we do and what we raise. Here's some things to know about our Cornish Cross chicken for 2020.

A little about meat processing and costs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

Many processing costs are increasing, but TC Farm is holding the line where we can

Salmon Salad

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, salad, sous vide, fish, newsletter, 05-16-2022, 05-24-2022

Something a little different. We know you aren't going to eat meat at every meal! Here's a healthy and delicious salmon salad that is so easy to prepare and tastes fantastic.