Farm Musings

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Get your TC Farm Gear On!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, member news, newsletter

Besides all the other great reasons to join us for the Eat Local Farm Tour on Saturday, July 16, we've added one more reason: Awesome threads. We'll have TC Farm hats and t-shirts for you to take home. This is a great way to show off your TC Farm pride.

Slow Smoked Chicken

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news, handbook

I've been experimenting with slow smoked chicken wings and drumsticks and I LOVE the results. I'd like your feedback and ideas. EDIT: We now have plain salted drumsticks and wings available in many of our packages. Please read for cooking tips and provide more feedback and recipe ideas.

True Cost Farm is now TC.Farm

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, member news

We're really excited about a couple of changes here on the farm. One of the most obvious ones is our name. We've shortened it a little. But that's the ONLY shortcut we take! We're STILL raising and delivering grass-fed, pasture-raised meats raised from heritage breeds with no GMOs and fed organic or transition to organic grains. We are now TC Farm!

How The Food Industry Is Stacked Against Those Who Love Food

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article, member news

From foodies to farmers: For every dollar you spend on your next family meal, how much of that goes into the food itself vs. the packaging, distribution, marketing, retail space and associated labor? Why is it so hard to find top quality food in a retail setting? What makes TC Farm so unique?

Everyone Needs a Sous Chef

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, member news

Cooking is so much more fun if someone else does the prep work and the long cooking steps. Our new Sous Chef meals are the perfect thing for those who want a fantastic meal without all of the work and dishes, but still want pasture raised meats and organic spices. We've worked and worked on our favorite recipes to include them all in this fantastic mix. I can't wait to hear what YOU think and to adjust the next batch!

Immersion Blender

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: tools, article, newsletter, member news

The inexpensive kitchen tool everyone needs. We use our immersion blender ALL the time... from smoothies, to soups, to aioli/hollandaise to pate. This is the best investment for your kitchen -- saves a TON of time.

Fall Farm Update

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news, farm, video

What a year! Here is an update about our crazy year and our life in general. Some of my favorite photos and even a video of 2.5 year old Lauren and her 'pet' snake.

More About Cooking Our Dark Meat

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: cooking tips, member news, newsletter, handbook

Our chicken is raised over twice as long as pretty much all other chicken. This leads to stronger, healthier birds and fuller flavors. But it also can make cooking it more challenging if you don't know what to expect. Here, we take the time to explain a little more about the HOW and the WHY of cooking TC Farm Chicken.

Egg Update

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: news, farm, member news

A lot of you like to take some time off in December. Chickens are no different. Read more about the vacation we are giving our birds as well as some changes to our program, specifically what we are feeding our chickens. Also: bonus cricket update!

Member Preferences and Requests

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook, member news

Once you are a member, you may find you want to update your regular deliveries. Learn about how you can update your preferences: (1) Set it and Forget it (2) Make a Specific Request (3) Setup a Regular Request

Feedback Form

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: member news

We've setup a new feedback form and need to hear form you about ideas, errors, fantastic meals, broken packaging, etc.