Farm Musings

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We're Giving Our Hens a Little Vacation

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article

Every December, we like to give our hens a little vacation. This is the time of year when they are molting. This means far fewer eggs but there's a reason for it! Learn more.

Vanilla Pudding

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, dessert, eggs, newsletter

Homemade pudding is totally worth it!

Beef Tri Tip Roast

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: beef, roasts, recipes, newsletter

OK, honestly, this is the best roast I've ever had and it was SO simple....

Butter French Toast

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, vegetarian, breakfast

I feel a bit sheepish that it took me so long to think of this simple twist on French Toast.

How to Make Gravy

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, sauce

Gravy really is simple - and it can be made with so many meals. Come on, give it a try!

Pizza Potatoes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, delimeat, 02-15-2022, 03-01-2022

Wasn't sure what to make tonight for dinner... Pizza Potatoes, that'll be good, right?

Perfectly Cooked Chicken Thighs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook, recipes, newsletter, article, chicken, thighs

Slow growth chicken is nothing like the fast growth factory genetics found at the farmers' and supermarkets. While it tastes SO much better, it can also be trickier to cook. Here are some tips to make sure the next TC Farm chicken thighs you cook have great texture and taste amazing too!

Easy Homemade Honey Marshmallow

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, recipes, dessert

Making marshmallows really is easy... They are SO much better tasting (and healthier too!)

Hot Cocoa

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: dessert, newsletter, recipes

Homemade hot cocoa is easy, healthier and tastes SO much better than pre-made mixes.

Get a Real Thermometer

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, Tools, Article

I know, I know. You ARE a great cook and you probably don't need one all the time to get a perfect medium rare on your steak. BUT even after all this time, I am still surprised how much I appreciate a good FAST thermometer.

Farm Tours

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, FAQ

One of the questions we get asked a lot is: Do you offer tours of your farm? Yes! But...we also have a farm to run so we only have tours a couple of times a year. Read here to find out more.

Make Your Own Organic Vanilla Extract

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, dessert, newsletter

Vanilla: One of the most loved flavors and perhaps the most artificially (and poorly) imitated. Real vanilla is also rather expensive. Making your own is easy and much less expensive than a $2.50 per ounce in the store. At that price, you can hardly afford to use enough to truly appreciate this amazing delicacy. Way better to simply make your own... trust me, your culinary life won't be the same.

Nut Butter Cakes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: vegetarian, GAPS, newsletter, recipes, breakfast

These grain-free cakes are GAPS intro diet approved and are an awesome healthy breakfast or snack on the go for you and your kids. Quick and easy to make, you'll have no problem serving up pancakes for the family any morning!

Tasting Minnesota Cookbook

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

Just released: A new cookbook written by one of our members, featuring a recipe from TC Farm!

American Heart Association Sugar Recommendations

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, health, sugar-free

This week, the American Heart Association made some big changes in it's recommend guidelines for how much sugar kids should be getting. As parents with kids of our own, we think this is a big step in the right direction. Learn more.