This recipe was submitted by one of our members, AngieD. What a great way to add a little kick to your ground beef!
This recipe was submitted by one of our members, AngieD. What a great way to add a little kick to your ground beef!
This easy and relatively quick dinner is a great way to enjoy some of our ground beef and eggs.
Round steak with mustard and cream. Steaks aren't just for grilling outdoors. They are great cooked indoors on a skillet too. Try this recipe out for a delicious steak with some added zing.
This is one of our favorite meals to entertain with, it really is quite impressive to serve. Perfect for a large guest list. The dish is easy to make, but has a lot of steps, so it takes a long time… Lots of ingredients, but the meal is really missing something if you skip on one…
We live 35 minutes from the closest co-op grocery store, so when we find ourselves with no food in the house we can't just run out to grab something. Instead, we have to get creative. We like to think of it as our own version of food TV competition: what can we make with a random assortment of on-hand ingredients? This time it was Jack's turn and the dish was fantastic!