Farm Musings

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Green Beans a la Shawn

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: sides, recipes, newsletter

Shawn (3) said he wanted bacon and green beans, but the bacon had to be crispy, not too fatty. Here is the result. Simple, yummy and nutritious.

Meet the Chicks

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, events

Spring is just around the corner which means it's time to meet some of the newest chicks coming to TC Farm. This is our 7th year doing this and it is always a lot of fun for kids and families.

Egg Cartons: My Favorite

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

Oh how I love egg cartons. We used to have SO many, but where have they gone?

Kitchen Scales Are The Best

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, tools, newsletter

If you love cooking or WANT to love cooking, you should have a kitchen scale. They make it so much easier with much less cleanup. Plus they are a great excuse to bake some cookies.

Peanut Butter Cookies and Variations

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article, GF, dessert, recipes

I really love cooking by weights, especially with peanut butter and brown sugar. I just hate trying to get that measuring cup clean! So I decided to make this simple recipe here by weight so I wouldn't have to figure it out every time.

Northern Goodness Sampler

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

Mmmmm so good. If you've never tried our apple maple smoked brats or some of these other favorites, there's never been a better time.

Candle, Soap and Lotion Sampler

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

Since learning about the dangers of most soaps, lotions, and candles, I've been making our own. It took a lot of iterations and I still have much to learn, but I am ready to share my work.

Food For Thought

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

Jennifer Simonson is a local photojournalist... I am sure you've seen her compelling work and I love following her on Instagram. Today she just posted the first of her Food for Thought short videos and I simply had to share it here...

Saffron Lobster - Sous Vide

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, sous vide, fish, VEGETARIAN, article, recipes

This is so good... just wish we could offer pasture raised TC Farm lobster...

Listen to Farmer Jack on Wellness Radio

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter

On Saturday, Feb 11 I sat down for a conversation on Wellness Radio. We talked about why Betsy and I started TC Farm, the things we learned along the way and some surprising thoughts around organic vs. GMO vs. Non-GMO.

What you should know about veggie CSAs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

Vegetable CSAs are a great way to supplement your TC Farm membership with sustainable produce you can trust. Here are some things you should know about why a veggie CSA is right for you. Every year we have members who are disappointed that their veggie CSA sold out. Now is the time to register if you haven't. The season is about to start.

Organic Farming CAN Feed the World

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

Admit it. You've caught yourself thinking: 'Sure, organic farms are nice but they don't scale. We can't feed the whole world this way.' A new performance trial from the U of M pitted organic corn head-to-head with conventional. Guess which came out way ahead?


Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, recipes, bones, Soup

Bet you'll wish you had some stockbones after reading this member's recipe for Pho. Quick: order some today for the February delivery.

109 Year-Old Woman Credits Bacon As Key to Long Life

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article

A woman from Illinois gave some tips for how to live a long life. One of her delicious secrets? Bacon. Really.

Our Cows Don't Eat Skittles

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article

It should probably go without saying but we'll say it: Our cows don't eat skittles.