Farm Musings

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Happy Pigs in Summer

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, video

Our pigs enjoying the long summer days.

Sausages - Not just for the grill

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, recipes, sausages

Betsy and I love having sausages around to cook with as an ingredient. They are our quick go-to meals and we enjoy making up easy variations with the seasonal veggies we have on-hand. Here are some tips and our favorites.


Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, newsletter, soup

A members' summer/fall favorite. I love this recipe, and had to share!

Flavor is key

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, article, books

One of my favorite food authors emailed about a video he put together recently with a world famous French chef because it made him think about TC Farm and our amazing chicken (I sent him samples years ago when we started). After watching, I knew you'd enjoy...

Thanks for coming out this weekend!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, farm news

A big thank you to everyone who came out this past weekend to visit us at the Co-Op Farm Tour and our amazing dinner at Tullibee!

Guide to the Co-op Farm Tour

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, farm tour

The 2018 Co-op Farm Tour has been scheduled for July 14th. There will be over two dozen farms participating across the Twin Cities metro area (we are two of them!). This is a great chance to see local farms up close and doing their part to make sustainable, local farming with a purpose within reach for everyone.

Updated: Amazing Dinner at Tullibee

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: member news, events, Newsletter

Updated: Final menu - SO EXCITED... this will be the best dinner of your 2017. Seriously, bring a friend and you'll be their hero. Tullibee in the Hewing Hotel will be showcasing our amazing Forest Hog at a dinner event being held Sunday, July 16th from 6PM-9PM. Tickets are on sale now but limited in number. Reserve yours today.

Sharpen Your Most Important Kitchen Tool

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article, tools

The most important tool is a sharp knife. A really sharp knife. Fortunately, there is an easy and inexpensive solution.

Summer is here -- close those delivery coolers...

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, Article

Members: Please remember to fully close the delivery coolers during the summer -- even egg coolers!

Nothing beats free eggs!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: member news

Anyone who has been reading this blog or following us for a while already knows we like to talk about our hens.  Egg laying is a naturally cyclical process.  Each winter, we usually give our hens a month off.  Because it is good for them.  But also because hens naturally lay fewer eggs in the winter.  Of course, the flip side of that is that hens in late spring are laying eggs…

Quick show of hands

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Member News, farm tour

It's still a couple of months off (July 15 will be here fast!) but we're trying to get a feel for how many people might attend the Co-op Farm Tour or the potluck BBQ we are throwing for our members afterwards. If you could take the time to let us know if you are interested, that would be awesome!

Slow Food Minnesota Dinner - May 21st

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, events

We're thrilled to be attending the 10th annual Slow Food MN foraged foods dinner: Where the Wild Things Are. We spoke last year and will be speaking again this year. They are a lot of fun with some AMAZING food. We'll be speaking about our farm and philosophy at the event. Hope you can join us - May 21st

Liquid Soap Foaming Dispensers

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: tools, newsletter

Using a foaming soap dispenser saves soap and is easier to use. Check it out.

Updated Delivery Routes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: member news

Some of you got emails about updated delivery routes. Here is just a little more information about WHY we are updating those routes.

Dinner on the Farm

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news

We are hosting a Dinner on The Farm event that I am SO excited about... Hope you will join us for an amazing evening and meal. Chef Adam from Saint Dinette and Tattersall Distilling will be cooking up an amazing feast served just a half hour west of the metro. July 30th is the big day.