Farm Musings

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Burger Variations

Posted by Josh King | Tags: ground beef, recipes, beef, article

Here are some fun and tasty ways to dress up your burgers so they are a step above ordinary

Why 'No Antibiotics' is a big deal

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, health, news

A few weeks ago, NPR had a segment on their Science Friday show about antibiotics in our food and the issue of antibiotic resistance. Turns out there's a lot we just don't know but some of what we do know is a little scary. Find out more.

Perils of Organic Meats

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, news

A conventional farmer would argue that their GMO fed, constantly-medicated, factory-style animals are better than ones raised organically. This might seem strange to you, but there are a few ways they have valid points. Here is what you need to know.

Bill Gates on Raising Chickens

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article

In his blog, gatesnotes, Bill Gates recently wrote about the benefits of raising chickens for poor people around the globe as part of the Gates Foundation -coop dreams- partnership with Heifer International. A quote from him: It’s pretty clear to me that just about anyone who’s living in extreme poverty is better off if they have chickens.

Join us for Breakfast!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, share with friends, video

Imagine the perfect breakfast Breakfast by TC Farm. • No shortcuts • No nitrates  • No synthetic hormones Food raised the right way.

Join Us for Lunch!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, share with friends, video

We try to cook everything we can from scratch. Over the years we've found and created recipes that work well with a busy lifestyle. You know, ones where the leftovers taste better for lunch the next day? We feel healthier and happier with real food at every meal. Take the first step: start cooking lunch! Join us for lunch!

Join us for Dinner!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, share with friends, video

Dinner has a sound all it's own. • No GMO Feed • No Growth Hormones  • No Antibiotics •No Compromises How does THAT sound? Dinner by TC Farm.

Slow Smoked Chicken

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news, handbook

I've been experimenting with slow smoked chicken wings and drumsticks and I LOVE the results. I'd like your feedback and ideas. EDIT: We now have plain salted drumsticks and wings available in many of our packages. Please read for cooking tips and provide more feedback and recipe ideas.

Smoked - Sous Vide Wings or Drumsticks

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Chicken, Recipes, Wings, Sous Vide, smoker, drumsticks

This two ingredient recipe has a few steps, but is simple if you have the right tools. Oh and it tastes amazing. Great for wings or drumsticks.

Ducklings and Chicks

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: news

Here's a quick post to just watch a cute duckling/chick video -- happy spring!

Simple Herb Sausage

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, ground pork, pork, Ground Beef, beef

This quick sausage works well for ground pork or beef and is a nice staple to add to your meal rotation. Works well with dried herbs, but obviously fresh would be nicer.

Meat is even better than socks!

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article

That has to be the weirdest sentence I've ever written. But it's true. Father's Day is coming up June 19th. Who needs ANOTHER pair of socks? If you're still wondering what to get the old man to say thanks, might we suggest adding a meat package along with your regular pickup? Yum! Or if you're not yet a member, trying one of our samplers? Besides being pasture-raised, grass-fed and better for you, our meats are just about the TASTIEST you've ever had. Wouldn't the gift of grilling be even better than a tie? Find out more!

TC Farm and Slow Food MN Foraged Foods Dinner

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

We're thrilled to have our pork selected for the annual Slow Food MN forage dinner: Where the Wild Things Are. We've attended these in the past and they are a lot of fun with some AMAZING food. We'll also be speaking about our farm and philosophy at the event. Hope you can join us - May 22nd

Honey Ginger Heirloom Carrots

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, vegetarian, sides, 12-07-2021

There is nothing like local heirloom carrots. We just love when we get them in our veggie CSA. They are fantastic raw, but add a bit of honey and ginger and you get something quite special for the few minutes of your time.

Rosemary, Olive and Lemon Chicken

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, whole chicken, chicken thigh, 01-18-2022, 02-08-2022

This is a simple one-pot meal you can make with any bone-in chicken. It doubles as a great dish for entertaining because it doesn't take long to cook, so you can do the work before your guests arrive and just take it out of the oven when its time to eat.