We missed having real pickles around and our last produce delivery had a bit more radish than we wanted on fresh salads.... So we made these super easy pickled radishes and enjoyed them on burgers, brats or just by themselves!
We missed having real pickles around and our last produce delivery had a bit more radish than we wanted on fresh salads.... So we made these super easy pickled radishes and enjoyed them on burgers, brats or just by themselves!
This is a super fun dish to make!
Nut free, gluten free: Garlic scape pesto. We are now offering this for our members beginning in April. Learn more about what scapes are and how to add a jar to your next delivery.
We had this soup at a fancy Bed and Breakfast once - amazing! Its good as a main dish, side or maybe even dessert?
'Why?' you might as... 'What even is celeriac' is also a reasonable question. 'How do I deep fry something?' -- also valid. We're here to answer all of your questions and more!
Superior Fresh raises our amazing organic fed fish. They are upgrading their farm and rolling out a new packaging and product mix. Now's your chance to order salmon and trout at a discount to make way for the new items!
One of our newest team members - Eli has been with us for a while working in the warehouse and also delivering food straight to our members' homes!
A fun recipe that has us dreaming of summer. You don't have to make your own pesto, but it is so good when fresh.
Yum! Pancakes! This recipe is based on a few others I've read as well as extensive adjustments and experiments. We hope you enjoy!
A lot people wonder what life is like on the farm when it gets cold. Here's a little peek.
We continue to expand our favorite grocery item offering. With your support, we focus on the highest quality food and are then able to offer these items at less than grocery prices. Keep your requests coming!
Cheese is amazing! Well made cheese is like nothing else, and it deserves your care. Artisan cheeses are alive and fermenting - continually aging and improving flavor. Here's how to get the most out of your cheeses!
Happy New Year! Here we look back on some of what we did in 2020 and look ahead to 2021 and what we hope to get done.
Elizabeth, who raises hens for us, shared this story. Turns out hens have specific musical tastes. And react differently to different parts of it.
Here is a seasonal idea on how to use our amazing organic mushroom butter OR make your own using extra fresh mushrooms.