Cornish Cross Chicken for 2020

Posted on Jul 14, 2020 by Jack McCann
Tags: member news newsletter

Cornish Cross Chickens for 2020

Every year, TC Farm puts in time to make our animals healthier and tastier. We introduced our Cornish Cross chickens in 2018 to offer them in addition to our Red Rangers. This year, we focused on improving a few things with our Cornish Cross chickens:

  1. We used a slower growing breed of cornish cross birds to get better flavor and healthier birds
  2. They were raised 10% longer than past years as a result
  3. We think the flavor is really nice after taste testing some breast 'steaks' we pan fried in a bit of olive oil and sea salt - yum!
  4. We also adjusted our brooding and other aspects to improve the health of our birds

It was pretty clear to us that the birds were even healthier looking and more active than normal. Amazing full feathers and beautiful birds!

The one thing we didn't quite expect was that the breasts were much larger. For the future, we plan to have the birds a bit smaller and package them differently.

Tips for Our Larger Cornish Cross Birds

In the meantime, here are a few tips for thawing and cooking our larger Cornish Cross breasts:

  • Each package has two breasts in it, which is quite a lot of food. If you plan ahead, you can thaw these in a bowl in the fridge. Or just run under some hot water.
  • If you want to just eat only one of them, you can stick the other back in the freezer without any negative effect on quality. Just don't let it thaw fully to fridge temp.
  • With our Cornish Cross breasts, we like to cut them into steaks rather than try to cook the entire breast as a roast (unless you are cooking a roast). That way, we can control the thickness of the cuts to match the cooking style.

In the future, we'll work on raising them a bit smaller and, now that we know the size, we will be bundling them one breast to a package for more manageable portion sizes in the package.

We keep trying to do what we do better all the time! We're really happy with this change and think you will be too. But for those of you who have ordered them in the past and might be expecting something different, we wanted to let you know about the breast size as soon as we knew!!

We would love to hear what you think about the new Cornish Cross breasts once you've had a chance to make a couple meals of your own!

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