
Active time: 15 minutes • Total time: 15 minutes

Posted on Jul 27, 2019 by Betsy McCann
Tags: recipes eggs ham deli meat delimeat

Note from Jack:

I'll be honest, when Betsy proposed this meal I wasn't so sure it would be anything special.

Wow - I was wrong. The simple recipe with high quality ingredients really blew me away. This really was just outstanding and SO easy.


  • 8 slices bread
  • 1 lb sliced deli ham
  • 1/2 lb Gruyere cheese or cheese of your choice
  • butter
  • aioli or mayonnaise
  • 4 eggs


  1. Preheat oven to 425; warm griddle.
  2. Split the ham and half the cheese on four slices of bread; top with the other bread slices.
  3. Generously butter the griddle and grill sandwiches on both sides, adding more butter before you flip the sandwiches.
  4. Transfer sandwiches to a baking sheet. Spread a good amount of the aioli on top of each sandwich then top with remaining cheese. Place in the oven until cheese is melted.
  5. Meanwhile, add more butter to griddle and fry the eggs to your desired doneness. Place eggs on top of finished sandwiches, salt and pepper to taste.

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