Roasted Beets

Active time: 15 minutes • Total time: 50 minutes

Posted on Dec 18, 2015 by Jack McCann
Tags: recipes sides 05-16-2022

roasted beets with a burger? Delicious!

Get 3-4 medium sized golden beets -- local ones are BEST! Use a veggie peeler to take off the outside, cut off the top and bottom, otherwise leave them whole.

Wrap in aluminum foil and place on a baking sheet in a 350-400 degree oven. Allow to roast until a fork can poke through them easily, about 45 min.

Remove, cool slightly, and slice into 1/8 inch rounds.

Drizzle some olive oil, add some toasted nuts, and sprinkle chopped parsley and sea salt on top to taste.

These are good warm or refrigerated.... you can also freeze the beets before topping and save them for a quick dish later.

Make with burgers and oven fries with aioli.

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