Produce Blog

Updated by noon each Thursday with what will be coming the next week
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July 5-7 Delivery

Local fennel, zucchini, cucumbers and more along with juicy summer like grapes, peaches, and plums!

June 27-29 Delivery

Local salad greens, cucumbers, swiss chard, bok choy, radishes and more summer favorites in this week's shares!

June 20-22 Delivery

The first of the local field crops are in! Local zucchini, parsley, kale alongside rhubarb and rainbow cherry tomatoes are in this weeks shares.

June 13-15 Delivery

Local green garlic scapes, asparagus and romaine plus tender Japanese sweet potatoes, peaches, pears and so much more!

June 6-8 Delivery

Local greens, fresh peaches, blueberry pints, roma tomatoes, eggplant, citrus and more in this week's shares.