Boxes Available for Order

This is the same ordering page that our members see when placing orders. Our members have an "add to cart" button for each box -- but you can't actually add anything to your cart until you are a member. You'll notice that each of the boxes on that page has a button for "Details" - you can get a MUCH better idea of what's in each of our boxes, the price per pound, more information, recipes and more.

  • Be sure to use that search bar -- super helpful for finding something in particular.
  • There is also an Advanced Filters button that you can use to check for things like "Sweetener Free" or "Nightshade Free"

In general you should know:

  • Our meats is about the same or less expensive than the factory organic meats sold in grocery stores
  • Our meats are going to be more expensive than conventionally raised meats. (That is the majority of what you'll find, even at the natural food or co-op stores!)

The main exception is with our poultry. There is no way we can compete with big companies producing about 250,000 birds per day in a single plant. Our processing costs are simply too high due to being smaller scale -- it simply costs more to properly care for birds raised on pasture than in a large factory operation.

Specialty filters:

Herbs - Basil

0.03 lbs avg

Box 10004


.5 oz clamshell of fresh basil. 

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Herbs - Sage

0.03 lbs avg

Box 10005


.5 oz clamshell of fresh sage.

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Herbs - Thyme

0.03 lbs avg

Box 10006


.5 oz clamshell of fresh thyme.

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Cherry Tomatoes

0.75 lbs avg

Box 1001

1 pint of cherry tomatoes.

The local season for tomatoes is over, so we'll be offering non-local tomatoes instead

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Tomatoes - Slicers

3 lbs avg

Box 1002

3lbs of medium to large red tomatoes. Perfect for slicing onto burgers and sandwiches!

The local season for tomatoes is over, so we'll be offering non-local slicer tomatoes instead. 

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


0.5 lbs avg

Box 1008

Organic, Local

About .5 lb of organic garlic

Hard Neck garlic - Raised by our local farmers from August-January (Local, Heirloom)

Soft Neck garlic - February-July. (Non-local)

This will store well in a pantry away from light or moist air.
Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Yellow Popcorn Kernels

2 lbs avg

Box 1009

Local, Organic Kernels

2 lbs of local, organic, yellow popcorn kernels. 

Perfect for popping on the stove top or in the microwave. 

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Popcorn on the Cob

0.75 lbs avg

Box 100915

On the Cob!

Four cobs of local, organic yellow popcorn. 

Perfect for popping right on the cob in the microwave or by the kernel on the stovetop. *Popping instructions included

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Small Citrus Bag

2 lbs avg

Box 1010

Organic Small Citrus

Organic, juicy, sweet clementines, tangelos or mandarins for all to enjoy. 

Around 6-10 clementines/mandarins or 5-6 tangelos per bag.

Clementines/Mandarines- November-January
Tangelos - December-April

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


4 lbs avg

Box 1011

Organic Oranges

These organic oranges will rotate between Cara Cara, Valencia and Navel depending on the season. We promise they'll be the juiciest! 

Around 7 oranges in each bag depending on size. 

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


3.25 lbs avg

Box 101115


These grapefruits will rotate between Red Rio and Rio Star grapefruits depending on availability. 

Around 4-5 grapefruits in each order depending on the size.

Available from Late October-June

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Sweet Peppers

2 lbs avg

Box 1012


Organic Sweet Peppers for snacking or sautéing. 

Will include red, orange and/or yellow bell peppers. Will not include green peppers. 

Most (if not all) will have been grown by our farmers from August-October.

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


2 lbs avg

Box 1013


Organic cucumbers for salads, lunchboxes or snacking!
Contains 3-4 cucumbers. 

Most (if not all) will have been raised locally by our farmers from Mid July-September

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


1.25 lbs avg

Box 1015


3 organic Avocados ready for you to perfectly ripen. This avoids the common blemishes associated with grocery avocados which are caused by excessive handling in the store.

These will be firm Avocados and require a few days to ripen. Place in a paper bag at room temperature until they ripen to your desired texture. Store in the refrigerator to hold until you enjoy them! Add an apple or banana to the bag to speed up ripening.

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


2.5 lbs avg

Box 1016


One bunch of organic bananas (average of 2.5 pounds)

Most bunches will be more yellow than green, ready to ripen quickly on your countertop.

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.


1 lbs avg

Box 1017

Organic Strawberries

1lb Clamshell of ripe, juicy strawberries. Pefect for snacking and baking! 

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary


0.4 lbs avg

Box 1018

Organic Blueberries

6 oz of sweet, ripe organic blueberries. 

Perfect for snacking, smoothies, granola and more!

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Pork Prime Rib - Boneless

4.73 lbs avg

Box 103

Prime cut of boneless pork loin roast

A boneless loin roast, ready to roast or cut your own chops!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Just Thick Cut Chops

3.6 lbs avg

Box 104

Bone-in and amazing

3 thick cut bone-in loin pork chops

Bone-in chops have a larger fat cap (Yum). If you want less fat, choose boneless chops.

Click here to read our pork chop cooking tips

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Pork Roasts

7.1 lbs avg

Box 106

The amazing flavor is partly due to our special no-soy feed

  • 2 pork shoulder roasts

Roasts should be around 3-4lbs each and are bone-in. Great for the crockpot or the smoker. Some packs may include a fresh ham roast, but typically these are shoulder roasts.

These are transitioning to a flat rate box charged as two roasts. The processor will cut the roasts to get the average weight fairly consistent for us.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Ground Pork

5.1 lbs avg

Box 107

Sweet and flavorful, a light tasting alternative to ground beef

  • 5lbs of ground pork (1lb ea)

Click to view our favorite ground pork recipes

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Ground Pork - Smaller Share

2.04 lbs avg

Box 1071

Our Same Great Ground Pork - Just a Little Less of It

​Sweet and flavorful, a light tasting alternative to ground beef

  • 2 pounds of ground pork (2 packs, one pound each)

Sometimes you simply don't any room left in your freezer.  We put this pack together for our members who still want to enjoy our ground pork but didn't have room for 5 pounds of it.

Click to view our favorite ground pork recipes

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk ground pork - 10% off

15.3 lbs avg

Box 10715

Stock up and save!

Bulk savings

15 packs of our pasture raised, transition organic fed ground pork

No grocery stores offer pasture raised pork, stock up and save. 

The only other MN farm we know of raising pasture raised and transition / certified organic fed pork is Nettle Valley Farm (Dayna is amazing!) - no others provide nourishing pasture for their pigs to enjoy. If you know of another we missed, please let us know!

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Whole Pork Shoulder

8.5 lbs avg

Box 108

Perfect for the smoker, best pork in the world!

  • One whole pork shoulder (boston butt)

This includes a larger fat cap for smoking. This is NOT for your crockpot. Size varies

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Pork Belly

2.34 lbs avg

Box 109

For curing your own bacon or making a fancy dish

  • 1 skin-off pork belly (~2-2.5lb)

These are all flat rate priced for the box

Pork Belly - Skin on

2.34 lbs avg

Box 1091

Fresh Pork Belly

one skin-on pork belly.

typically ~2 - 2.5 pounds.

These are all flat rate priced for the box, weights will vary

Pork Tenderloin

2.2 lbs avg

Box 110

These sell out way too fast

  • 2 whole tenderloins

Sorry these are so hard to get - there are only 2 pounds of tenderloin per hog...

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Fresh Baby Back Ribs

3 lbs avg

Box 111

The ultimate DYI ribs

  • 2 packs of baby-back pork ribs (~1.5lbs per pack) 

These are priced per box, They will range in size


7.2 lbs avg

Box 112

Our amazing ribs - I sometimes eat an entire rack myself!

  • 2 packs pork spare ribs smoked and the seasoned with organic BBQ sauce. 

Simply warm and serve!

Usually, these are spare ribs.

Watch this video to see how easy they are to prepare and how happy they will make you.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box. Size will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Spare ribs with Belly - Fresh

3.2 lbs avg

Box 1122

Amazing for the smoker

One rack of fresh spare ribs with an extra portion of belly 

This is amazing for the smoker!

Weights typically range from 2.6 - 4.2 pounds

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Pork Leg Bones

4 lbs avg

Box 117

A rich addition to any broth making

Two packs of pork leg bones for making a rich broth. 

Use by itself to make pork broth or add to chicken bones to make a deeper richer broth or with beef to lighten up the broth a bit.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Pork Liver

1.6 lbs avg

Box 119

Great for Pate'

  • Two packs of sliced and cleaned pork liver (~0.75 lb ea)

Pork liver is milder than beef liver and can be used in chicken or beef liver recipes. Sizes vary.

Click to view our gotta have it pate' recipe.

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Leaf Fat

5 lbs avg

Box 120

For making the best pies and rendered lard

  •  1 pack of leaf fat ready to render

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

48hr Pulled Pork

2.3 lbs avg

Box 130

Jack's slow cook recipe

  • 2 packs of smoked pulled pork - just salt added​ (~1lb ea)

Warm and serve - I LOVE this recipe.. it took me a few years to perfect, so I hope you'll enjoy too. Just take this out of the package and enjoy. I prefer to fry in a hot pan with a bit of butter to get some crispy edges, but anyway you want to add into a recipe works great. Highly recommend over mushroom risotto.

Here is an instructional video with a carnitas recipe.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Bulk smoked pulled pork - 10% off

17.25 lbs avg

Box 13015

Stock up and save!

Bulk smoked and pulled pork

15 packs of one of our favorite items - a fast and easy dinner.  We enjoy just pulling out of the freezer and crisping in a hot buttered pan for a last minute meal.  

Add sauces, taco seasoning, soy sauce/sesame oil, or nothing at all. Enjoy with rice, in pasta, in a sandwich, or in a quick and easy carnitas. 

The only other MN farm we know of raising pasture raised and transition / certified organic fed pork is Nettle Valley Farm (Dayna is amazing!) - no others provide nourishing pasture for their pigs to enjoy. If you know of another we missed, please let us know!

This is a flat rate box, weights may vary.

Boneless Sirloin Chop - Thin Cut

3.4 lbs avg

Box 134

Our best value chop

Boneless thin cut sirloin pork chops - great flavor and value

this is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Smoked Pork Chops - Boneless

2.2 lbs avg

Box 135

Sear and Serve

Two packs of TC Farm's amazing smoked pork chops
(2 chops per pack)

  • Boneless, thick cut chops
  • Organic seasoning
  • Fully cooked, just sear in a buttered pan OR slice and serve cold
  • Great in eggs, pasta or pizza
    (think: super tasty Canadian bacon)

Flat rate box, weights will vary

Boneless Chops - Thin, Butterfly

4.8 lbs avg

Box 136

The most popular chop

  • Thin cut boneless pork chops (butterflied if loin)

Chops are thin cut with less fat than bone-in. Most will be butterflied to allow you stuff or split into a true thin cut chop -- or cook as is for a thick cut chop. Boneless sirloin will be just thin cut

About 1-2 pound per package

Click here to read our pork chop cooking tips

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Andouille Brats

2.05 lbs avg

Box 143

When you need a little French Creole in your life

  • 2 packs of smoked Andouille brats

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Kielbasa Brats

2.05 lbs avg

Box 144

A Family Favorite

  • 2 packs of our classic Kielbasa Polish Sausages

Growing up I remember going to my uncle's house and they always served a 'polish' sausages for fancy family gatherings. I never really understood it, but there is a special place in my heart for these.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Kielbasa - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 14415

Stock up and Save

Bulk Kielbasa

15 packs our fantastic smoked Kielbasa brats

This is a flat rate box, weights may vary.

Snack Sticks

2.5 lbs avg

Box 145

A sweet snack enjoy anywhere

  • 5 packs of teriyaki flavored snack sticks 

Our kids call these 'little hotdogs' They love them, but a bit sweet for my taste personally. Note: these do have soy in them as an ingredient.

Like all our food, these use organic ingredients. However, one thing we had to research when making snack sticks was where to source dye-free casings. Most snack sticks have red dye in the casing to make it look cooler in the store. Check it out sometime... yeah. we don't do that.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bockwurst Brats

2.05 lbs avg

Box 147

An original recipe

  • 2 packs of bockwurst brats with butter, onion, beef and pork.

These are a fun brat - At home on the grill for dinner or seared in the pan for a fancy brunch.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Herb Bacon- Sugar Free

2.2 lbs avg

Box 148

Sugar Free Bacon To Die For

2 packs of our European style, sugar free herb bacon. 

You'll want to buy this bacon just so you can save the fat to fry your eggs or veggies in.  Outstanding and so GOOD for you! 

Our herb bacon is and sugar-free (no sweeteners) and also 100% nitrate free (no celery powder). Best to use them within a week of thawing just like any pre-cooked items.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Herb Bacon

16.5 lbs avg

Box 14815

Stock up and save

15 packs of our no sugar, zero nitrate herb bacon.

So good, savory (not sweet) and fantastic with eggs, roasted veggies or in pasta.

This is a flat rate box, weights may vary.

Sugarless Favorites

5.3 lbs avg

Box 149

Our Favorite Sugar-Free Foods

One pack each of :
  • Rosemary brats
  • Bockwurst brats
  • Breakfast sausages
  • 48 hour pulled smoked pork

These are all sweetener-free, sugar-free and also 100% nitrate free (no celery powder). The brats, and pulled pork are safe to keep in the fridge for a couple of weeks so long as the package is sealed. Otherwise use within 5 days once opening. The sausages are raw, so cook them from frozen or within a few days.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Brat Sampler

5.15 lbs avg

Box 150

On the grill, in the pan, in a dish

5 packs of our favorite non-spicy grill items, including some of the following:
  • Grown up hotdogs
  • Smoked pork brats
  • Kielbasa
  • Wisconsin style brats
  • Italian brats

Unlike grocery brats, we use organic seasoning and all our meat is raised on green pasture with transition or certified organic feed!

The beef brats and hotdog pack are "Uncured" and may be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Brat and Sausage Sampler

4.9 lbs avg

Box 151

A little bit of something for any time of day

Five of our most popular items, 1 pack each:

  • Breakfast sausage patties (1/4lb ea)
  • Summer Sausage
  • WI style cooked brats
  • Rosemary brats 
  • Italian or Kielbasa brats

As always, all organic seasoning and hand-crafted!

All of these brats are great on the grill or as part of another dish

"Uncured" items which are still sealed can be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Picnic Pack

6.5 lbs avg

Box 153

A perfect summer sampler

1 pack each:

  • Hamburger patties 
  • Smoked pork brat
  • Wisconsin style pork brat
  • Deli-sliced rustic ham
  • Deli-sliced emulsified ham
  • Grown up hotdogs

We highly recommend getting the organic butter croissants and some Bent River or cheddar cheeses for the ham sandwiches as well as the brioche bunds for the grilled items. 

All items use organic ingredients. Deli and brats are fully cooked and ready to warm and serve.

The rustic and emulsified ham have the same ingredients and similar flavor. The rustic ham is sliced thin from a whole ham, Emulsified ham is great for kids. It is an emulsified deli ham (officially called a pork roll) without any fatty parts like a traditional ham roast would have.

This is a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Hot Dogs

2.05 lbs avg

Box 156

The best hot dogs in the world!

  • 2 packs of the healthiest hotdogs for you and your kids!

We often are able to add beef or pork liver into these hotdogs to add some extra nurients
"Uncured" items which are still sealed can be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Hotdogs - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 15615

Stock up and save

Bulk order of our "grown up hotdogs"

15 packs organic seasoned hotdogs made with our pasture raised pork!

This is a flat rate box, weights may vary.

Smoked Turkey Breast - Roast

0.75 lbs avg

Box 160

Pasture Raised and Organic Fed

​One pack of our smoked TC Farm turkey breast, ~12 ounces

Easy to slice into your own amazing deli meat or serve as a main course

Key differences with the Ferndale item we also offer.

TC Farm is:
  • Pasture Raised 
  • Organic fed 
  • Organic seasoning
  • Small outdoor flocks instead of huge barns

Learn more here about the difference between TC Farm and Ferndale Turkey

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Smoked Turkey Breast - Cubed

1 lbs avg

Box 161

Ready to serve in any dish

​One pack of our smoked TC Farm turkey breast that has been pre-cut into ~ 1/2" cubes for you!  

Easy to add to pasta, on a salad or anywhere for a healthy meal

Key differences with the similar Ferndale item we also offer.

TC Farm is:
  • Pasture raised 
  • Organic fed 
  • Organic seasoning
  • Small outdoor flocks instead of huge barns

Learn more here about the difference between TC Farm and Ferndale Turkey

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Euro Style Bologna

1.7 lbs avg

Box 162

Fantastic fried or as a cold cut with cheese

  • 2 packs of our famous Bologna 

A true European bologna in the style that made bologna famous before American food companies dropped the ball. Try fried in a pan or just out of the package with some cheese on a nice sourdough. Yum.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Beef Gyro

2.26 lbs avg

Box 163

A Box of Just our Beef Gyro Meat!

  • 2 packs of Beef/pork gyro

    - Pan fry before using

    Note- because lamb is not an ingredient, these will have a slightly different taste than traditional gyro meat. 

This is our beef/pork version without the lamb as an ingredient.

Note: contains organic dry milk powder

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Lunch Meat Sampler

4.9 lbs avg

Box 164

Great for lunches, picnics or snacking

Each order has five packs of deli meats from the following selections: 
  • Pepperoni
  • Sliced emulsified ham  
  • Sliced rustic ham
  • Bologna
  • Beef Gyro 

Emulsified ham is great for kids. It is an emulsified deli ham (officially called a pork roll) without any fatty parts like a traditional ham roast would have.

For the Gyro, you will want to crisp it up in a hot pan just before serving.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Ham Roast

3.4 lbs avg

Box 166

Delicious Ham Roast

  • One boneless ham roast. Sizes range from about 2.8 - 3.6 lbs 

we trimmed these to avoid gristle and get the highest quality ham roast.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Ham Roast - Bone-In

6.8 lbs avg

Box 1661

Sirloin end - super premium cut

One bone-in ham roast from the sirloin end (mostly meat, minimal bone)

Roasts are fully cooked, just warm and serve (weight range to expect is 6 - 7.8lbs)

Flat rate box, weights will vary

Ham Steaks - Center Cut

1.64 lbs avg

Box 1662

The best ham steaks!

One bone-in center cut ham steak, 3/4" - 1" thick.

Premium cut, minimal bone.

Flat rate box, weights will vary

Ham Roast - Bone-In, Shank End

5.92 lbs avg

Box 1663

Ham roast with a bit more bone for soup!

One shank end ham roast, this has a bit more bone and makes a fantastic roast for a meal with the best bone to make soup out of after! 

Weight range to expect:  4.6 - 6.8 lbs.

Flat rate box weights will vary

Sliced Ham - Rustic Ham

2.1 lbs avg

Box 167

Our famous deli ham

  • 2 packs of sliced rustic ham (~1lb each) 

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Rustic Ham

15.75 lbs avg

Box 16715

Stock up and save!

Bulk order of our organic-seasoned sliced rustic ham - this is the real deal.

15 packs of sliced ham made from our pasture raised pigs!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.


2.05 lbs avg

Box 168

By popular demand

  • 2 packs spicy bulk chorizo 

This is usually a beef/pork mix and raw, so it needs to be fully cooked. It is NOT the smoked brats or a traditionally dried chorizo. Think Italian sausage, but chorizo flavor in one pound packs.

Perfect for any pasta, on pizza, egg scramble... yum.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Chorizo - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 16815

Stock up and save

Bulk order of our MN spicy chorizo

15 one pound packs of bulk chorizo sausage made from our pasture raised pork

Flat rate box, weights may vary.


2 lbs avg

Box 169

So good and good for you!

  • 2 packs of Braunschweiger 

This is our original 100% organic spiced and 100% pork recipe

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

The Bacon Box

2.2 lbs avg

Box 170

Thick cut, this is what bacon was meant to be

Our bacon is kind of a big deal. 

Slow-smoked, organic-spiced and thick-sliced. You've never had anything this good before!

  • 2 packs of bacon (~1 pound per pack)

This is our American style bacon, consider trying the Euro-style herb bacon without any sugar or celery nitrates - it is super good too!

"Uncured" items with celery powder which are still sealed can be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk American Bacon - 10% off

16.5 lbs avg

Box 17015

Stock up and save

Bulk order of our thick cut and long smoked American style bacon

15 packs of organic seasoned bacon, made from our pasture raised pigs!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Breakfast Sausage

2.1 lbs avg

Box 171

One of the first sausage recipes we created

  • 2 packs of breakfast sausage patties

Four to a pack, 1/4 pound each

These are raw and need to be fully cooked. Thaw in a bowl. 100% pork.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Breakfast Sausage - 10% off

15.75 lbs avg

Box 17115

Stock up and save!

Bulk order of our hand made breakfast sausages

15 packs of breakfast sausage patties made with fresh organic ingredients! 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

The Smoked Beef Brat Box

2.05 lbs avg

Box 172

Our most popular brat

  • Beef/pork smoked brats

"Uncured" items which are still sealed can be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

Click here to view ingredients

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Smoked Pork Brat

2.05 lbs avg

Box 1722

A juicer version of our favorite brat

All pork smoked brats - crisp and serve!

"Uncured" items which are still sealed can be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

Click here to view ingredients

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk smoked pork brats - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 172215

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of our most popular brat

15 packs of smoked pork brats made from our pasture raised pigs!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.


1.65 lbs avg

Box 173

So excited to have pepperoni I could feel good about enjoying!

  • 2 pack of pepperoni, small pre-sliced packs

Our kids love this as a cold cut and it is great in a pasta or egg scramble too! Oh -- and our simple GF Pizza Potato Recipe is awesome

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Pepperoni - 10% off

12.4 lbs avg

Box 17315

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of our organic seasoned pepperoni 

15 packs of pepperoni -  Great on pizza or as a cold cut!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Summer Sausage

2.1 lbs avg

Box 174

This is one of our best and most popular sausages

  • 2 packs of Beef/pork summer sausage

"Uncured" items which are still sealed can be safely stored in the fridge to save freezer space. See details here

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Summer Sausage - 10% off

15.8 lbs avg

Box 17415

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of our organic seasoned summer sausage

15 packs of summer sausage made from our grass fed beef and pasture raised pork!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.


2.05 lbs avg

Box 175

The classic bratwurst with organic flare

  • 2 packs of classic Wisconsin style brats

These are not "uncured" so they should be stored in a freezer unless being used within a week of thawing.

Click here to view ingredients

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk Bratwurst - WI style - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 17515

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of organic seasoned Wisconsin Style bratwurst

15 packs of cooked (not smoked) pork brats made from our pasture raised pigs!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Italian Brats

2.05 lbs avg

Box 176

A great brat for a bun or in another dish

  • ​2 packs of brats - organic Italian seasoning

Not spicy. This is our sweet Italian mix - great for the grill, in a dish or even on a pizza!

These are not "uncured" so they should be stored in a freezer unless being used within a week of thawing.

Click here to view ingredients

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Italian Sausage

2.05 lbs avg

Box 177

Pizza or pasta night!

  • 2 packs of classic Sweet Italian sausage

These are raw and need to be cooked. They may be 100% pork or a mix of beef and pork. one pound packs, thaw in a bowl.

Click here to view ingredients

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk Italian Sausage - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 17715

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of organic seasoned Italian sausage

15 packs of Italian sausage made from our pasture raised pigs!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Rosemary Brats

2.05 lbs avg

Box 178

Perhaps my favorite brat

  • 2 packs of our amazing rosemary brats

These are fully cooked and sugar-free. No celery powder, so they should be used within a week of thawing. Just sear and enjoy. These are an original recipe and one of my favorites...

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bulk Rosemary Brats - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 17815

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of our most versatile brat

15 packs of sugar free rosemary brats made from our pasture raised pigs!

These are fantastic by themselves or used in nearly any other dish - pastas, egg bakes, on pizza or with roasted veggies.

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

100% Beef Hotdogs

2.05 lbs avg

Box 180

Same great organic hotdogs, 100% beef

two of our amazing smoked hotdog made with 100% beef

No casing

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Sliced Emulsified Ham

2.05 lbs avg

Box 186

Our Kids' Favorite Ham: no fat

2 packs of our sliced emulsified ham.

About 1 lb each pack. 

This ham is great for kids. It is an emulsified deli ham (officially called a pork roll) without any fatty parts like a traditional ham roast would have. Think bologna texture with ham flavor. This is fantastic for ham sandwiches, I love frying in a pan first and then having melted cheese with toasted bread.

If you want a traditional style ham, get box #167 'just sliced ham'

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Whole Beef Tenderloin Roast

3.55 lbs avg

Box 199

Tenderloin roast, whole beef

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Dry-Aged Sirloin Steaks

3.1 lbs avg

Box 201

Boneless and grass finished

3-4 dry-aged boneless sirloin steaks.

100% grass fed, rotationally grazed and amazing. 

These are one of our favorite steaks, minimal gristle or extra fat and tender when cooked to medium-well. 

We recommend cooking to medium or more, which for us is around 125ºF and allowing to rest at least 5 minutes to coast up to a temperature of 128-132F depending on your preference.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Dry-Aged Ribeye Steaks

3 lbs avg

Box 202

Just ribeye center steaks

Dry-aged ribeye center steaks.

100% grass fed, rotationally grazed and amazing. 

We recommend cooking to medium or more, which for us is around 125ºF and allowing to rest at least 5 minutes to coast up to a temperature of 128-132F depending on your preference.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Dry-Aged New York Strip Steaks

3 lbs avg

Box 203

Great for grilling

Dry-aged New York strip steaks.

100% grass fed, rotationally grazed and amazing. 

We recommend cooking to medium or more, which for us is around 125ºF and allowing to rest at least 5 minutes to coast up to a temperature of 128-132F depending on your preference.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Dry-Aged Tenderloin

1.75 lbs avg

Box 204

Grass or Barley fed and amazing

Two packages of grass or barley fed tenderloin steak.

Typical weights are between 0.8 and 0.95 pounds per package with two steaks in each package. 

Tenderloin steaks are known as one of the most tender and premium cuts, but they actually have the least flavor of any steak. That's why when they come off of a corn fed steer, they aren't all that good, tender, but minimal flavor.

OUR beef is slower growth and develops better and more flavor. This makes the tenderloin from our beef SO much better than grocery or internet beef. Go ahead and treat yourself!

We recommend cooking to medium, which for us is around 125ºF and allowing to rest at least 5 minutes to coast up to a temperature of 128-132F depending on your preference.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Just Steaks

4.58 lbs avg

Box 205

These are amazing
Dry aged and well trimmed

Typically 6-8 dry aged steaks

May be from our organic barley or grass finished steers

 Typically includes:
  • ribeye
  • strip
  • chuckeye
  • sirloin
  • oyster (aka sirloin butt flap)

Less common:
  • tenderloin
  • flank/hanger/skirt 
  • ribeye cap 

Most of the package is ribeye or NY strip steaks. Not every package will have every steak listed, Most tenderloins are used in the Just Tender Steaks box. All steaks individually wrapped, except tenderloins which are 2 to a pack

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Beef Roasts

7.25 lbs avg

Box 206

The ultimate pot roast or BBQ beef

  • 2 dry-aged beef roasts

Roasts are typically 3-4 pounds each.

All these roasts come from the chuck primal, Chuck-Arm roasts are best cooked long and slow like a pot roast. Whereas, Chuck-Chuck Roasts may also be cooked faster, consider our amazing saffron stew recipe.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk Beef Roasts - 10% off

29 lbs avg

Box 20608

Stock up and save

Bulk order of grass fed beef chuck and arm roasts

Eight 3-4 pound dry aged beef chuck roasts

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Ground Beef

5.15 lbs avg

Box 207

Dry-aged, grass-fed, slow-growth, pasture-raised. Delicious.

  • 5 packs of ground beef (~1lb ea)

Thaw in a bowl in the fridge or in a bag in slowly running warm water. I actually like to thaw by cooking in a pan, crisping up the outside and then cutting it off with a spatula until it is all cooked. Yum.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Ground Beef - Smaller Share

2.06 lbs avg

Box 2071

Our Same Great Ground Beef - Just a Little Less of It

​Dry-aged, grass-fed, slow-growth, pasture-raised. Delicious.

  • 2 pounds of ground beef (2 packs, one pound each)

Sometimes you simply don't any room left in your freezer.  We put this pack together for our members who still want to enjoy our ground beef but didn't have room for 5 pounds of it.

Thaw in a bowl in the fridge or in a bag in slowly running warm water. I actually like to thaw by cooking in a pan, crisping up the outside and then cutting it off with a spatula until it is all cooked. Yum.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Bulk Ground Beef - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 20715

Stock up and save!

Bulk order of our 100% grass fed ground beef

15 packs of dry aged ground beef made from our pasture raised steers and heifers. 

Most grocery "grass fed" ground beef is from feedlot dairy cows - that's why ours taste so much better and are healthier!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Beef Patties

6.9 lbs avg

Box 208

Our ground beef, pre-made into individual patties, just for you.

  • Twenty 1/3 pound hamburger patties (four per pack) 

1/3 pound each, four per pack. Thaw ahead of time or just throw on the grill or pan frozen. Easy!

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Whole Ground Beef

5.15 lbs avg

Box 209

Ground beef with liver

  • ~5lbs of whole ground beef with about 3% emulsified beef liver content (1lb ea)

Why you ask? Well.... liver is super good for you. It adds a ton of essential vitamins and minerals that are really hard to find in other plant or meat based products.

Check out this article I wrote about the importance of adding liver to your diet.

Adding 3% to ground beef won't negatively impact the flavor. In fact, many families tell us it tastes better.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Bulk Whole Ground Beef - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 20915

Stock up and save

Bulk order of our 100% grass fed ground beef with 3% beef liver added

15 packs of dry aged ground beef made from our pasture raised steers and heifers. 

Most grocery "grass fed" ground beef is from feedlot dairy cows - that's why ours taste so much better and are healthier!

Flat rate box, weights may vary.


6.6 lbs avg

Box 210

Untrimmed, 100% grass fed and dry aged brisket.

  • One dry aged, grass fed brisket

Estimated range of 5.3 - 7.4 lbs - some large briskets we split in half to get within the weight range target.

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Fajita Festival

5.8 lbs avg

Box 212

My favorite beef roasts, plus great steaks

1 tri tip OR picanha roast

plus some or all of the following steaks, we may include some tasty barley finished steaks in this package as well .
  • skirt
  • flank
  • hanger
  • fajita sliced round steaks
  • flap steak (sirloin bottom butt) 
  • sirloin

Some boxes may not have every steak listed and some roasts are notably larger due to the variation in steer sizes.

Check out these cooking tips for the tri tip roast. Or if you get the new Picanha, here is a link with more information while we get a chance to get our own recipe up. Note that these grass fed versions will have much less fat than shown on that article.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Stew Meat

2.1 lbs avg

Box 213

Hand trimmed beef stew meat

Two packs of dry aged hand trimmed stew meat​ (~1lb each)

We will make stew meat only out of the best lean roasts. Hand trimmed and ready to enjoy. We may include barley or grass fed beef.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Short Ribs- English Style

7 lbs avg

Box 214

Brazenly good eats

2-3 packs of English-style short ribs (ribs are cut parallel with the bone)

Korean/Flanken style short ribs are in the Short Ribs Korean Style box

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Texas Ribs

4.58 lbs avg

Box 215

Beef Loin Ribs ready to BBQ and enjoy!

  • Two packs of fresh Texas Ribs (beef loin ribs, not short ribs). 

These are the ribs off of the Ribeye steaks, amazing to smoke and Sous Vide.  

This is a flat rate box with two racks. Weight will vary. Texas ribs may be either grass-fed or barley finished

Tender Steaks

2.63 lbs avg

Box 216

The Premier Steaks

Three packs of the very best steaks:
  • Tenderloin
  • Ribeye cap steaks

If you are not familiar with ribeye cap steaks, they are better than tenderloin. Thin like flank steaks with great flavor and the tenderest steak. Not every package will have a ribeye cap steak as there are only a few per steer.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box for the three packs. The weight will vary.

Beef Jerky

0.6 lbs avg

Box 217

Our Organic Spiced Jerky is Out of this World

  • 2 packs of jerky (0.25 - .35 lb ea)

Wow - you HAVE to try this. Our jerky is long smoked with organic spices. A treat for any time of day.

It might be a bit spicy for kids or those who are sensitive to spicy food.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Just Sirloin Tip

7.1 lbs avg

Box 218

A lean flavorful roast

  • 2-3 sirloin tip roasts

This box usually just has 2 roasts, about 3 pounds each, but could be more like 8lbs in some boxes.

This is transitioning to a flat rate box and is priced per box. They are labeled as the minimum weight of 5.75lbs, most boxes weigh more.

Beef Soupbones

4 lbs avg

Box 219

Rich and Healthy

  • 2-4 packs of trimmed 100% grass fed beef soup bones

(2-3 pounds per pack)

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Beef Suet

3 lbs avg

Box 221


One package of beef suet, about 3lbs 

This is NOT rendered, it is raw suet. You can render it yourself or use as you wish. Suet may be our grass fed or barley finished beef:

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Sliced Beef Liver

2.5 lbs avg

Box 223

Trimmed, cleaned and nutritious

  • 2 packs of sliced beef liver  (about .9-1.5 lb ea)

Note that we may include our grass fed or organic barley beef liver in this package.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary


3.8 lbs avg

Box 224

Just what it says!

  • 2x Beef oxtail packs (~1.5 - 2lb each)

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box. Our Oxtail may be either grass-fed or barley finished.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

48hr Smoked Beef

2.2 lbs avg

Box 230

Dinner is ready!

2 packs of smoked pulled beef

Salt is the only ingredient added​

(Around 1 pound each)

Warm and serve - I LOVE this recipe.. it took me a few years to perfect, so I hope you'll enjoy too. Just take this out of the package and enjoy. I prefer to fry in a hot pan with a bit of butter to get some crispy edges, but anyway you want to add into a recipe works great.

Here is an instructional video with a carnitas recipe.

Add any sauce you'd like, use as a topping for nachos or in any pasta. These are a rather light smoke so they are versatile.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box.

Bulk Smoked Pulled Beef - 10% off

16.5 lbs avg

Box 23015

Stock up and Save

Bulk smoked and pulled beef

15 packs of one of our favorite items - a fast and easy dinner.  We enjoy just pulling out of the freezer and crisping in a hot buttered pan for a last minute meal.  

Add sauces, taco seasoning, soy sauce/sesame oil, or nothing at all. Enjoy with rice, in pasta, in a sandwich, or in a quick and easy carnitas. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Just Steaks - Barley Beef

4.4 lbs avg

Box 255

Well finished and dry aged!

At least 5-7 dry aged steaks:

Typically includes:
  • ribeye
  • strip
  • chuckeye
  • sirloin
  • oyster (aka sirloin butt flap)

Less common:
  • tenderloin
  • flank/hanger/skirt 
  • ribeye cap 


Sizes may vary

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Beef Roast - Barley

7.5 lbs avg

Box 256

Barley beef finished chuck!

2 dry aged beef roasts - barley finsihed

Sizes may vary

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Ground Beef - Barley Beef

5.15 lbs avg

Box 257

A special flavor from the barley finish

5 lbs of barley finished ground beef (YUM!) 

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk Ground Beef - Barley Fed - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 25715

Stockup and Save

Bulk order of our pasture raised and organic barley finished ground beef

15 packs of dry aged ground beef made from our pasture raised steers and heifers. 

Beef Patties - Barley

6.5 lbs avg

Box 258

1/3lb dry aged burgers

Twenty 1/3 pound hamburger patties (four per pack) 

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Prime Rib - Boneless

4.3 lbs avg

Box 259

Dry aged and barley finished

Dry aged prime rib roast, boneless

This is quite a treat!

Brisket - Barley Beef

6.77 lbs avg

Box 260

Amazing Brisket

A brisket roast from our barley finished beef

Untrimmed and delicious. 

Sizes may vary

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Short Ribs - Korean Style

7 lbs avg

Box 264

Made from our barley beef

2 packs of Korean Style short ribs (cut across the bone).  

Made from either our barley or grass fed beef. 

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box. Weight varies.

Tender Steaks - Barley

2.65 lbs avg

Box 266

Tenderloin and ribeye cap

Three packs of the very best steaks from our barley finished steers, may include:
  • Tenderloin
  • Ribeye cap steaks

If you are not familiar with ribeye cap steaks, they are better than tenderloin. Thin like flank steaks with great flavor and the tenderest steak. Not every package will have a ribeye cap steak as there are only a few per steer.

This is a flat rate box and is priced per box for the three packs. The weight may range from 2.25 - 3lbs

These are all dry-aged from our barley finished beef which is pasture-raised and fed a small amount of organic grains. No corn or soy.

You can read all about the difference here..

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Picanha Beef Roast

2.6 lbs avg

Box 268

A brazilian specialty

One Picanha roast (some may receive a bag of smaller roasts)

The Picanha beef roast is a Brazilian specialty. It is ideal for smoking or grilling either in a traditional Brazilian "skewer" method or as you would cook prime rib. 

Serve some amazing steaks to a hungry group which appreciates great food. 

This roast comes from the top sirloin cap. 

This is a flat rate box, since it is a single whole roast, weights will vary.

These are from steers that are either grass fed or barley finished (gluten free).

Bacon Burgers (!)

6.9 lbs avg

Box 290

Smokey goodness right out of the freezer

Grass fed beef mixed with our famous bacon. Yum.

  • Twenty 1/3 pound burger patties (4 to a pack)

Take these right out of the freezer and put into a pan for a quick and AMAZING meal.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Bacon Burgers (!) - Herb Style

6.9 lbs avg

Box 291

Sugar free and savory

Grass fed beef mixed with our famous herb bacon. Sugar-free, savory and delicious!

  • Twenty 1/3 pound burger patties (4 to a pack)

Take these right out of the freezer and put into a pan for a quick and AMAZING meal.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Click here to view ingredients

Lean Ground Beef

5.15 lbs avg

Box 293

93% lean

  • 5lbs of lean ground beef (1lb ea)

This is made from our leaner steers and choosing just the best cuts to make lean ground beef with. We estimate this as 93% lean, but there is no testing or way for us to know for sure, please know that is just an estimated value.

You'll want to use a non-stick pan or cook into a chili with leaner beef.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Bulk Ground Beef - Lean - 10% off

15.4 lbs avg

Box 29315

Stock up and Save

Bulk order of our 100% grass fed ground beef made with lean hind roasts

15 packs of dry aged ground beef made from our pasture raised steers and heifers. 

Most grocery "grass fed" ground beef is from feedlot dairy cows - that's why ours taste so much better and are healthier!

Whole Chicken - Ranger - Smaller

7.6 lbs avg

Box 301

Our amazing Red Ranger - A little bit smaller than our other box

Two whole red ranger chickens - typically 3.4 - 4lbs each

Our famous Red Ranger breed is why we started our farm (we wanted better breeds of chicken than we could find at the market). Learn more about the two breeds we offer here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Whole Chicken - Ranger - Medium

9.12 lbs avg

Box 303

Our amazing Red Ranger - A little bit bigger than our other box

  • 2 whole Red Ranger chickens (typically 3.75 - 4.75lbs)

Our famous Red Ranger breed is why we started our farm (we wanted better breeds of chicken than we could find at the market). Learn more about the two breeds we offer here.

Box size varies,this is a flat rate box.

Whole Chicken - Ranger - Large

10 lbs avg

Box 304

The biggest red ranger - full flavor and amazing

  • ​2 whole red ranger chickens (typically 4.5 - 5.5lbs)

Our famous Red Ranger breed is why we started our farm (we wanted better breeds of chicken than we could find at the market). Learn more about the two breeds we offer here.

Box size varies,this is a flat rate box.

Chicken Breasts - Ranger

2.65 lbs avg

Box 305

Tastes like chicken was meant to be

  • 4 boneless, chicken breasts with tenders (2 per pack and usually skin-on)

These are flat rate boxes, weight will vary

These are from our famous Red Ranger breed. This breed has much smaller (and thus more expensive) breasts, but they have amazing flavor and texture like a perfectly cooked steak (not mushy like that store-bought chicken)

I love cooking these over high heat to crisp the skin and topped with sea salt as the only seasoning. When Betsy and I first tried these on our hobby farm, we were shocked at the flavor. I hope you enjoy!

Learn more about the two chicken breeds we offer here.

Chicken Thighs - Ranger

2 lbs avg

Box 306

On the grill or as confit - this is the best chicken you've ever had.

  • 4 red ranger chicken thighs (2 per pack)


This is a flat rate box, weight vary.

These are from our famous Red Ranger breed. These will cook up differently than the factory chicken you may be used to. They are fantastic. This is my favorite fresh cut of chicken we offer.

Here are some cooking tips specifically for this cut - hope you enjoy!

Learn more about the two chicken breeds we offer here.

Ground Chicken

2.08 lbs avg

Box 307

You've never had ground chicken like this

  • Ground chicken in 1lb packs

Ground chicken from our Cornish Cross birds

These are the breed of chicken you'd find in the grocery or farmers' market. We take special care to slow their growth down so they can live a good life. Other management practices push them to grow so fast there is no way for this breed to live good, humane life.

You can read all about our standards as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Chicken Stockbone

4.5 lbs avg

Box 319

This makes the most amazing soups and broth - out of this world (for real)

  • 2 chicken stockbones (one per package)


Seriously if you haven't tried making your own stock with our chicken bones you haven't lived. It is super easy and amazing. These are from our red rangers (stronger bones make amazing stock)

Includes backbone, neck, ribs and backmeat.

Click to read why and how to make your own chicken broth
This is a flat rate box, weights vary

Chicken Liver

1.4 lbs avg

Box 320

Hearty, healthy, packed with vitamins and raised right.

  • 1.4 lbs chicken liver (.70 per pack)

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Chicken Hearts

1 lbs avg

Box 321

  • Chicken hearts, 1 pack

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Chicken Feet

0.9 lbs avg

Box 322

Extra gelatin in your stock

8 chicken feet to make extra rich broth.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Chicken Breast Fajita Cut

2.1 lbs avg

Box 344

Thin slices of chicken breast, ready for a quick meal

The perfect easy meal !

Two packs of our pasture raised and organic fed Cornish Chicken breast pre-sliced in a one pound package. 

Easy to thaw and cook up into:
  • stir fry
  • fajitas / tacos
  • pasta
  • topping for a salad
  • Sandwich or more

Chicken Breasts - Cornish

2.1 lbs avg

Box 345

Cornish chicken done right

• 2 Cornish Cross boneless chicken breasts without tenders (might have more if breasts are smaller)

(1 per pack, ~1 pound per pack)

These are larger than our red ranger chicken breasts, plan on slicing like a steak to cook up.

These are the breed of chicken you'd find in the grocery or farmers' market. We take special care to slow their growth down so they can live a good life. Other management practices push them to grow so fast there is no way for this breed to live good, humane life.

You can read all about our standards for raising them as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

This is a flat rate box, weight will vary

Chicken Tenders - Cornish

1.02 lbs avg

Box 346

Cornish Cross Tenders

1 one pound pack of chicken tenders 

(White meat, unbreaded)

Chicken Wings - Cornish

3.25 lbs avg

Box 347

Fresh Cornish Cross Wings

• 12 fresh cornish cross wings,

These are the breed of chicken you'd find in the grocery or farmers' market. We take special care to slow their growth down so they can live a good life. Other management practices push them to grow so fast there is no way for this breed to live good, humane life.

You can read all about our standards for raising them as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Chicken Thigh - Cornish

2.4 lbs avg

Box 348

Bone-in Cornish Thighs

6 Skin-on thighs (3 to a pack)

These are the breed of chicken you'd find in the grocery or farmers' market. We take special care to slow their growth down so they can live a good life. Other management practices push them to grow so fast there is no way for this breed to live good, humane life.

You can read all about our standards for raising them as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Chicken Thigh Boneless Skinless - Cornish

2.1 lbs avg

Box 3488

So tasty and easy!

Two packs of boneless chicken thighs - (1lb per pack)

Typically two thighs per pack, sometimes more.

You'll never find a boneless thigh actually raised on pasture at the grocery store!

These are the breed of chicken you'd find in the grocery or farmers' market. We take special care to slow their growth down so they can live a good life.

You can read all about our standards for raising them as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Drumsticks - Cornish

6.25 lbs avg

Box 349

Fresh drumsticks

16 drumsticks (8 per pack)

These are fresh drumsticks from our cornish cross birds.

You can read all about our standards for raising them as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Wings- Sous Vide

3.58 lbs avg

Box 357

Game Night Perfection

  • 1 pack of our favorite wings (12 per pack)

Wings are lightly smoked and slow cooked with just a pinch of salt. Crisp them up and add finishing salt or your favorite sauce for an amazing meal. Click here for cooking tips and more info.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Drumsticks- Sous Vide

3.4 lbs avg

Box 359

The. Best. Chicken.

1 pack of our smoked & sous vide drumsticks (~8 per pack).

These are tender, juicy and perfectly cooked.

Drumsticks are lightly smoked and slow cooked with just a pinch of salt. Crisp them up and add finishing salt or your favorite sauce for an amazing meal. Click here for cooking tips and more info.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary.

Sweet Potatoes

4.5 lbs avg

Box 360

Organic and amazing

About 4.5 pounds of organic sweet potatoes.  Most (if not all) should be from our local farmers from late September-April.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary


4.5 lbs avg

Box 361

Organic, Local

About 4.5 pounds of organic white or yellow potatoes. 

Varieties may include: Kennebec, German Butterball or Yukon Gold

Most (if not all) will have been grown locally by our farmers from July-March.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Brussels Sprouts

1.5 lbs avg

Box 3621

Organic, Local

1.5 lbs of fresh, local organic brussels sprouts. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Cranberries - Fresh

0.75 lbs avg

Box 363

Local Organic and Special

Have you ever cooked with fresh cranberries?   It is so easy to make your own (amazing) cranberry sauce, jam or cranberry-apple pie. 

These are local, organic and fresh! 

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Red Onions

4.25 lbs avg

Box 364

Organic, Local

About 4.25 lbs of Red Onions.

Most (if not all), will have been raised by our farmers from August-January

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Yellow Onions

4.25 lbs avg

Box 365

Organic, Local

About 4.25 pounds of organic yellow or sweet onions. 

Most (if not all) will have been raised locally by our farmers from August to January. 

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary


3 lbs avg

Box 366

Organic, local

About 3 pounds of organic carrots

Most (if not all) will have been raised by our local farmers from August to April.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary


2.5 lbs avg

Box 367


2-3 pounds of organic celery 

This is a must have for stuffing and making your broth ahead of time to have the best gravy. 

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Butternut Squash

3 lbs avg

Box 368

Organic, Local

1 large or 2 small butternut squashes (total averaging 3lbs). 

Most if not all, will have been raised locally by our farmers from September-January.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Classic Apple Cider - 1/2 gallon

4 lbs avg

Box 372


Organic apple cider. (64oz)

Sweet, tart and full-bodied flavor perfect for fall. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Pear & Apple Cider - 1/2 gallon

4 lbs avg

Box 373


A perfect balance of organic pear and apple juice to make a bright, rich cider. (64 oz)

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Terrific Turkey - Small

9.1 lbs avg

Box 379

Truly Pasture Raised!

  • One whole turkey weighing around 9 pounds, most should include giblets. 

We've put together some terrific turkey tips plus have some recipes for gravy and stuffing. Mmmmmm mmmmmm.

Terrific Turkey - Medium

12 lbs avg

Box 380

Truly Pasture Raised!

  • One whole turkey weighing around 10-12 pounds, most should include giblets. 

We've put together some terrific turkey tips plus have some recipes for gravy and stuffing. Mmmmmm mmmmmm.

Terrific Turkey - Large

18 lbs avg

Box 381

Truly Pasture Raised!

  • One whole turkey weighing around 16-20 pounds, most should include giblets. 

We've put together some terrific turkey tips plus have some recipes for gravy and stuffing. Mmmmmm mmmmmm.

Ground Turkey

2.1 lbs avg

Box 387

Pasture raised and organic feed!

Two packs of our ground turkey (~1lb ea)

Pasture raised on green pasture and fed organic grains!

The Ferndale brand ground turkey we also offer is conventionally fed and raised indoors.  Their product is not raised outside, the birds used for their marketing purposes are not sold under the Ferndale brand.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Dark Quarter

2.9 lbs avg

Box 388

Thigh and drumstick from the best turkey!

one of our truly pasture raised turkey dark quarters (thigh and drumstick attached).

Our birds are raised out on green pasture and roost in the trees. They enjoy organic feed. No grocery turkey can compare, those are always raised in confinement barns even if their photos portray a different life.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Dark Quarters - Smoked

3.3 lbs avg

Box 389

Sous Vide Quarters

one of our amazing smoked and sous vide turkey dark quarters (thigh and drumstick attached) - warm and serve!

To prepare, simply thaw and sear the skin to crisp up in a buttered pan or over a hot grill. 

The only ingredients in this are turkey and salt. We followed our own recipe to make these -- learn more here.

This is a flat rate box, weights vary.

Turkey Drumsticks

2.8 lbs avg

Box 390

Raised on green pasture!

Two of our truly pasture raised turkey drumsticks

Our birds are raised out on green pasture and roost in the trees. They enjoy organic feed. No grocery turkey can compare, those are always raised in confinement barns even if their photos portray a different life.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Wings

6.5 lbs avg

Box 392

The best turkey wings

About 6.5lbs of wings from our truly pasture raised turkey

Our birds are raised out on green pasture and roost in the trees. They enjoy organic feed. No grocery turkey can compare, those are always raised in confinement barns even if their photos portray a different life.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Wings - Smoked

4.7 lbs avg

Box 393

Sous Vide Wings

Six of our amazing smoked and sous vide turkey wings - warm and serve!

To prepare, simply thaw and sear the skin to crisp up in a buttered pan or over a hot grill.

One package of six wings.

The only ingredients in this are turkey and salt. We followed our own recipe to make these -- learn more here.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Breast

2.4 lbs avg

Box 395

A smaller portion sized feast

One boneless turkey breast with tender (two breasts will be included if they are smaller in size). Most are skin on.

Weight will vary

These are flat-rate boxes

Turkey Thighs - Bone-In

2.5 lbs avg

Box 396


2-3 Bone-in Turkey Thighs

*weight and price are estimates and may be adjusted according to the actual size of this item.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Liver

2.2 lbs avg

Box 397

Pasture raised and organic feed!

2 packs of TC Farm turkey liver - ~ 1lb each

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Heart

1 lbs avg

Box 398

  • Turkey heart, 1 pack (around 1.2 pounds each)

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Turkey Gizzards

1.5 lbs avg

Box 399

Pasture raised and organic feed!

One package of TC Farm Turkey Gizzards ~ 4 per pack

Lamb Sampler

8.3 lbs avg

Box 400

Mild flavored, smaller chops

100% grass fed
  • 2-3 packs of porterhouse and/or rib chops
  • Shoulder roast
  • 1-2 lbs ground lamb

    Some packs also have spare ribs

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Leg of Lamb - Medium

4.69 lbs avg

Box 401

The king of lamb roasts

One boneless leg of lamb - 100% grass fed

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Leg of Lamb - Extra Small

2.72 lbs avg

Box 4010

Our Smallest Lamb Roast

One boneless leg of lamb - 100% grass fed

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Leg of Lamb - Small

3.65 lbs avg

Box 4015

Lamb Roast

One boneless leg of lamb - 100% grass fed

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Liver

0.67 lbs avg

Box 402

grass fed and healthy!

1 package of lamb liver

Leg of Lamb - Large

5.5 lbs avg

Box 403

The king of lamb roasts

One boneless leg of lamb - 100% grass fed

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Chops

2.08 lbs avg

Box 405

That's right, just chops!

100% grass fed lamb chops
  • porterhouse
  • rib chops

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Ground Lamb

1.03 lbs avg

Box 407

100% Grass fed and amazing

100% grass fed ground lamb

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Kidney

0.6 lbs avg

Box 420

2 packs lamb or yearling kidney

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Heart

0.5 lbs avg

Box 421

One lamb or yearling heart

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Tongue

0.8 lbs avg

Box 422

2 packs of lamb or yearling tongue

You may want more than one order if you're planning a meal, these are smaller packs. 

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Yearling Sampler

8.52 lbs avg

Box 430

The best lamb in the world

Yearling lamb sampler - 100% grass fed
  • 2-3 packs of porterhouse and/or rib chops
  • Shoulder roast
  • 1-3 lbs ground yearling lamb

    Some packs also have spare ribs

Click here for more info.
This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Leg of Yearling Lamb

6.6 lbs avg

Box 431

Richer in flavor - amazing

One boneless leg of yearling lamb- 100% grass fed

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Leg of Yearling Lamb - small

4.3 lbs avg

Box 433

The best roast for a smaller gathering

One boneless leg of yearling lamb- 100% grass fed

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Lamb Yearling Chops

2.2 lbs avg

Box 435

The best chops

2 packs of 100% grass fed yearling chops

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Produce - The Seasonal Box

10 lbs avg

Box 50

Seasonal organic produce

One smaller organic and local produce CSA

  • Mixed share includes fruits and veggies
  • Target for 1-4 people depending how often you'll cook and eat great produce

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of this package will vary week to week depending on the value of what is included.

Please note that we are aiming to include a balanced share which maximizes local and heirloom produce. However, we also want to minimize food waste by ensuring the included food is usable in our busy lives! Plan on some foods from out of state, especially fruits and outside of the Minnesota growing season.

Produce - The Low Carb Box

10.5 lbs avg

Box 52

Keto and Paleo Veggies

One organic low carb CSA focusing on Keto/Paleo friendly veggies

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of each week's package will vary depending on the value of what is included. These items will be local when in season, but always organic even when out of our local season.

Produce - The Staple Box

13.5 lbs avg

Box 53

Storage and every day veggies

​One staple organic and local produce CSA

Focus is on every day veggies like:
  • Potato (all varieties)
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Carrot
  • And other similar items as we feel inspired

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of each week's package will vary depending on the value of what is included. These items will be local when in season, but always organic even when out of our local season.

Produce - The Fruit Box

8.5 lbs avg

Box 54

Amazing fruit at its peak!

This is a fun package - there are so many amazing fruits from around the country which just don't make it into the grocery store.  

This package will include a mix of specialty seasonal items along with every day fruit staples. Focus is on quality and organic produce

See what's planned for the coming week (and in past deliveries) in our Produce Blog

Weight of each week's package will vary depending on the value of what is included. These items will be local when in season, but always organic even when out of our local season.
Minnesota's fruit season is fairly short; we will feature seasonal specialty fruit year round at its peak flavor, but will also include every day fruits in every package.

Spring & Baby Spinach Mix - Earthbound

0.31 lbs avg

Box 597

Spring Mix and Baby Spinach

5 ounce package of Earthbound Organic baby spinach and spring mix salad greens

This mix includes spring mix and baby spinach! Great for salads, sandwiches and wraps. Includes baby chard and radicchio!  

 (If we are short this item for any given week, we will substitute this order with Revol Green's Organic Spring Mix - 4.5oz)

Baby Spinach Greens

1 lbs avg

Box 599

Organic and fresh!

1 pound of either Earthbound or Salad Farm organic baby spinach greens

A go-to for smoothies, salads, pizzas and more. Tender spinach leaves with a punch of nutrients

Spring Mix Greens - Earthbound

1 lbs avg

Box 600

Baby salad greens

1 pound of Earthbound Organic spring mix salad greens

 (If we are short this item for any given week, we will substitute this order with Revol Green's 1lb Organic Spring Mix)


2.3 lbs avg

Box 602

The cleanest fish available

Two Half salmon fillets 

This is a full salmon fillet, cut in half and packaged so you can thaw just one half at a time.

These are raised by Superior Fresh in Wisconsin. They only use organic or sustainably wild-caught feed. Their closed-system raises fantastic greens to purify the water.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary - target minimum weight is 2 pounds.

Read here about why after years of being a 'wild only' family, we decided well-raised farmed fish could be better than wild-caught.

Salmon Burgers

2.5 lbs avg

Box 603

Organic seasoned fish from Superior Fresh

10 salmon burgers (2 per pack)

  • Organic Seasoning
  • Organic Fed Salmon from Superior Fresh
  • 10 Minutes from frozen to good eats

These are great for a quick meal! The package says to cook to 165º. You can get the same safety by cooking to 140º-145º and maintaining that temperature for 5 minutes.

We enjoy pan frying over medium heat with a fair amount of olive oil or butter.

Read here about why after years of being a "wild only" family, we decided well-raised farmed fish could be better than wild-caught.

Garlic Salami - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.37 lbs avg

Box 6051

Hand Crafted Salami

One 6oz Garlic Salami from Lowry Hill Provisions. 

This Garlic Salami is pork forward, with subtle undertones of garlic, white wine and black pepper. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, sugar, white wine, fresh garlic, black pepper, nutmeg, allspice, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In beef casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Fennel Salami - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.37 lbs avg

Box 6052

Hand Crafted Salami

​One 6oz salami from Lowry Hill Provisions. 

This Fennel Salami has warm sweet fennel notes, with garlic and white wine. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, sugar, fennel seed, white wine, black pepper, fennel pollen, fresh garlic, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In beef casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Hot Chili Salami - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.37 lbs avg

Box 6053

Hand Crafted Salami

One 6oz Hot Chili Salami from Lowry Hill Provisions. 

A warm heat of chili flakes, paprika, and garlic. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, sugar, white wine, smoked paprika, chili flakes, black pepper, fresh garlic, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In beef casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Sumac Salami - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.37 lbs avg

Box 6054

Hand Crafted Salami

One 6oz Sumac Salami from Lowry Hill Provisions. 

This Sumac Salami has deep umami notes of mushrooms with a citrus tang of sumac. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, sugar, sumac, white wine, black pepper, fresh garlic, mushroom powder, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In beef casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Red Locks Salami - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.37 lbs avg

Box 6055

Hand Crafted Salami

​One 6oz Red Locks Salami from Lowry Hill Provisions. 

This Red Locks Salami has aromatic spices layered with vanilla notes from Red Locks Irish Whiskey. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, Red Locks Irish Whiskey, sugar, black pepper, nutmeg, allspice, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In beef casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Rosé Salami - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.37 lbs avg

Box 6056

Hand Crafted Salami

​​​One 6oz Red Locks Salami from Lowry Hill Provisions. 

This Rosé Salami has fresh rosemary and red wine with notes of citrus and berries. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, sugar, red wine, black pepper, fresh garlic, rosemary, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In beef casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Spanish-Style Chorizo - Lowry Hill Provisions

0.55 lbs avg

Box 6057

Hand Crafted Salami

One 9oz Spanish-Style Chorizo from Lowry Hill Provisions

Spanish-style chorizo with garlic, smoked paprika, and sherry. (Rinse and peel casing before eating).

Ingredients - pork, sea salt, pimenton, sugar, sherry, black pepper, garlic, potassium nitrate, lactic acid starter culture. In pork casing. 

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Birchwood Turkey Burger - Ferndale

5 lbs avg

Box 611

Conventional turkey patties

5 packs of turkey burger patties from Birchwood Cafe using Ferndale turkey 

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Ground Turkey Breast - Ferndale

5 lbs avg

Box 612

Conventional turkey breast

5 packs of Ferndale ground turkey breast 

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Turkey Tenderloin - Ferndale

3 lbs avg

Box 614

Conventional, but local

Two packages of fresh Ferndale Turkey Tenderloin

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Turkey Red Pepper Garlic Sausage - Ferndale

5 lbs avg

Box 615

Conventional but local

5 packs of Ferndale red pepper garlic turkey sausage

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Smoked Turkey Breast Roast - Ferndale

3 lbs avg

Box 616

Conventional but local

Two packs of Ferndale smoked turkey breast roast

This is a roast you can slice or cut up yourself.

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Turkey Breakfast Sausage - Ferndale

5 lbs avg

Box 617

Conventional but local

5 packs of Ferndale turkey breakfast sausage 

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Turkey Rachel Brat - Ferndale

3.75 lbs avg

Box 618

Conventional but local

5 packs of Ferndale's Rachel brats (Swiss cheese and sauerkraut) 

We would prefer to only offer organic pasture raised items, but understand we simply can't raise enough turkey for everyone.  As such, we are offering these conventionally raised birds as an alternative.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Key differences from this turkey as compared to TC Farm:
1) Conventional feed (GMO)
2) Most are raised in confinement, some have access to outdoors but these type of product from ferndale are NOT pasture raised
3) Raised in large standard size flocks in big barns
Learn more

Delicious December Sampler - 16% discount

12.6 lbs avg

Box 620

A perfect winter mix!

The December sampler features a dry cured salami from Lowry Hill Provisions and a holiday ham!
  • 1 pack of chicken breast fajita cut thin for easy cooking (1lb)
  • 1 pack chorizo sausage crumbles (amazing eggs, pasta or other easy meals) (1lb)
  • 1 pack red ranger chicken stockbone (best soup ever!) (1lb)
  • 1 pack ground beef (1lb)
  • 1 boneless holiday ham roast (~3.4lbs)
  • 1 pack of our garlic salami from Lowry Hill Provisions (~.37lb)
  • 1  pork shoulder roast (~3.5lbs)

This is a flat rate package, exact weights will vary.

Since the Lowry Hill sausages are dry aged and take a long time to make - we may run out of the garlic variety we are featuring and substitute another flavor option.

Stupendous Sampler

10.8 lbs avg

Box 621

Grilling and easy meals

All easy items and some great for the grill! 

1 pack each:

  • Boneless pork loin chops (butterfly, use as thick, stuffed or thin chops)
  • NY Strip steak - 100% grass fed and dry aged
  • Bacon (!) 
  • Chicken breast or thigh package
  • Smoked pulled pork - crisp and serve
  • Cornish chicken drumsticks
  • 2-3 packs of sliced ham

No substitutions are available, but we will have a new sampler soon. Let us know if you have some other favorite items you'd like to see included!

Bacon is our American style with organic ingredients - it's thick-cut and SO hard to keep in stock!

The drumsticks are from our Red Ranger breed

The breast is from our cornish cross birds, the breed of chicken you'd find in the grocery or farmers' market. We take special care to ensure they have a natural, slow growth so they can live a longer good life

You can read all about our standards for raising them as well as their taste, health and environmental impact here.

October Fall Sampler - 15% savings

15.35 lbs avg

Box 625

A perfect way to enjoy fall

October is such a great time for food and home cooking.  Let us do some of it for you with our amazing wild rice soup made with organic ingredients!
  • 1 pack of our amazing red ranger chicken thigh (~1lb)
  • 1 pack of Italian sausage - pasta night or make a soup!
  • 1 pack of our sugar free herb bacon - also amazing in pasta! 
  • 1 pack of red ranger stockbones (AMAZING soup)
  • 1 pasture raised pork roast
  • 1 pack of our 100% grass fed, rotationally grazed ground beef
  • 1 pack of beef short ribs
  • 1 quart of our from scratch wild rice soup

No substitutions are available, this sampler is discounted 15% as compared to ordering each item individually. 

If you haven't tried making broth or a soup with our Stockbones, you really haven't lived. Simmer for 24 hours in a crockpot with some veggies and enjoy. The sausage included here will make a great Zuppa Toscana with that amazing red ranger broth.

Be sure to cook the red ranger thighs to about 180 degrees for the best texture, these thighs are the reason we started our farm (so good!)

Forest Hog - Just Chops

8.35 lbs avg

Box 634

By popular demand

If you just wanted the chops from our amazing Forest Hog, here is your chance. 

Expect mostly premium rib chops, typically 11 

This is a flat rate box, weights vary.

Click to learn about our amazing forest hog

This package is fairly expensive because selling the chops only requires the associated trim of the forest hogs is sold at the price of our amazing, but regular priced pork.

Forest Hog Extra Chops Sampler

15.55 lbs avg

Box 635

The full sample of our famous Forest Hog

A large share of a forest hog:
  • 4 packs of forest hog chops (typically 3 porterhouse or rib chops and 1 sirloin)  (~3lb)
  • Premium Butt Shoulder Roast (~4lb)
  • Smoked ham roast (~4lb)
  • 2 packs Forest Hog bacon (!)
  • ~2-3lbs of ribs and/or Rosemary/WI style forest hog brats (packages with brats will weigh more)

This is a flat rate box, weights vary.

Click to learn about our amazing forest hog

Forest Hog Sampler

9.01 lbs avg

Box 636

Some of the best pork

  • 1 pack of the most amazing rib chop (~0.75lb)
  • 1 pack of forest hog bacon (!)
  • 1 shoulder roast
  • 1 pack smoked pulled pork
  • Some packages with a smaller roast may get a bonus pack of smoked herb back fat (slice and use like bacon fat to cook/fry eggs or veggies)

This is a flat rate box

Click to learn about our amazing forest hog

Forest Hog Smoked Back Fat

1.1 lbs avg

Box 639

Organic herb seasoning

One package of our herb smoked forest hog back fat! 

You can render the entire package at once and store in the fridge to fry your favorite veggies, eggs or potatoes -- or really anything you'd use an amazing flavored fat for. 

We often slice thin and fry in the pan to melt instead of butter or other oils. Then we get some crispy goodness from the fat plus the flavor of the oil to fry whatever we are cooking. 

The seasoning we use is the same as our herb-bacon - no sugar and no celery nitrates, just organic herbs and seasoning.

This is a flat rate box, weights will vary

Roasted Cauliflower Turmeric Soup

1.9 lbs avg

Box 650

Cauliflower and Turmeric

Made with turmeric roasted cauliflower and lentils in a creamy coconut broth with garlic, onion, parsley, cumin, and a hint of cayenne.

Ingredients: Vegetable Stock (Water, Onions*, Celery*, Carrots*, Tomatoes*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil, Garlic, Parsley, Thyme, Black Pepper, Cloves), Coconut Milk (Coconut*, Water, Guar Gum*), Cauliflower*, Lentils*, Onions*, Garlic, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil, Turmeric, Salt, Black Pepper, Cumin, Cayenne Pepper. *=Organic Contains: Coconut

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

TC Farm Herbed Butternut Squash (Mashed)

1.5 lbs avg

Box 6500

Made In House

Creamy butternut squash, roasted, mashed and infused with a fragrant herbed butter. 

A timeless Thanksgiving side dish, marrying comfort and flavor

Ingredients: Butternut Squash*, Butter* (Pasteurized Cream, Salt), Honey, Basil*, Dill*, Salt*, Black Pepper*, Sunflower Oil*. *=Organic

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

TC Farm Gravy

2 lbs avg

Box 6501

Made In House

Rich, creamy, and velvety Thanksgiving gravy. 

Crafted from pan drippings, homemade broth, and a buttery rich roux. A Staple that elevates the holiday feast.

Ingredients: Chicken Stock (Water, Onion*, Chicken*, Turkey*, Carrot*, Celery*, Garlic*, Mushroom*, Salt, Black Pepper*, Thyme*, Rosemary*), Butter* (Pasteurized Cream, Salt), Flour*, Thyme*, Mushroom

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

TC Farm Cranberry Sauce

1 lbs avg

Box 6502

Made In House

Our homemade Cranberry Orange sauce. 

Bursting with tart cranberries, simmered to perfection with zesty oranges and a touch of sweetness, a timeless holiday treat

Ingredients: Cranberries*, Apples*, Orange juice*(Oranges,(Less than 20% Seasonally Tangerines), Cane Sugar*,Orange Zest*, Salt, Pepper* *=Organic

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

McCann Family Stuffing

1.5 lbs avg

Box 6503

Made In House

Classic homemade Thanksgiving stuffing. 

A cherished tradition, combines cubed bread, aromatic herbs, savory broth, and sauted vegetables, creating a mouthwatering side dish that embodies warmth, comfort and holiday nostalgia.

Ingredients: Stuffing (Hard Red Wheat*(white), water, Hard Red Wheat(Whole Wheat)*, Olive Oil*, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Marjoram, Fennel Seed, Savory, Basil, Salt, Yeast), Chicken Broth (Water, Chicken, Carrot*, Celery*, Onion*, Sage*, Thyme*, Salt, Pepper*), Pork Sausage(Pork, Onion*, Parsley*, Salt, Sage*, Thyme*, Basil*, Red Pepper Flakes*, Garlic*, Black Pepper*, Ginger*, Turkey Giblets, Celery*, Onion*, Eggs*, Butter (Pasteurized Cream, Salt), Apple*, Dried Cranberries*(Cranberries, Apple Juice Concentrate*, Sunflower Oil*), Sage*, Thyme*, Salt, Pepper*
*=Organic Ingredient

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

TC Farm Maple Glazed Sweet Potatoes

1.5 lbs avg

Box 6504

Made In House

Indulge in our perfect Thanksgiving side dish, homemade maple-glazed sweet potatoes adirned with cranberries, a sweet and tart symphony of flavors that elevate your holiday feast.

Ingredients: Sweet Potatoes*, Orange Juice*, Apple Juice*, Cranberries*, Maple Syrup*, Sunflower Oil*, Water, Corn Starch*, Salt, Black Pepper*, Cinnamon* *=Organic

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

TC Farm Green Bean Casserole

2 lbs avg

Box 6505

Made In House

Our green bean casserole features tender green beans, our creamy mushroom sauce, and crispy fried onions, baked to perfection for a comforting holiday side dish

Ingredients: Mushrooms, Green Beans*, Chicken Stock (Water, Onion*, Chicken*, Turkey*, Carrot*, Celery*, Garlic*, Mushroom*, Salt, Black Pepper*, Sage*, Thyme*, Rosemary*),Cream*, Onion*, Flour*, Butter, Bread crumbs(Wheat(White)*, Water, Wheat*(Whole Wheat), Olive Oil*, Salt, Yeast), Salt, Garlic Powder* Corn Starch*, Black Pepper*, Nutmeg.

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

TC Farm Corn Pudding

1.6 lbs avg

Box 6506

Made In House

Indulge in the warm, comforting embrace of homemade corn pudding this thanksgiving. Sweet buttery rich corn, a hint of sage, rosemary, and thyme spice create a perfect holiday side dish.

Ingredients: Corn*, Eggs*, Cream*, Butter* (Pasteurized Cream, Salt), Cane Sugar*, Corn Starch*, Salt, Sage*, Rosemary*, Thyme*, Black Pepper* *=Organic
Contains: DAIRY

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

TC Farm Pumpkin Pie

1 lbs avg

Box 6507

Made in House

Enjoy our timeless Thanksgiving pumpkin pie, crafted with care from scratch. A flaky golden crust cradles a velvety, spiced pumpkin filling that perfectly captures the essence of the season, a delicious tradition to savor

Ingredients: Pumpkin Puree*, Eggs*, Cream*, Pie Crust(Flour*, Butter(Pasteurized Cream, Salt), Water, Cane Sugar*, Salt), Brown Sugar*, Cane Sugar*, Flour*, Vanilla Extract*, Ginger*, Cinnamon*, Salt, Nutmeg*, Cloves*. *=Organic
Contains: DAIRY, WHEAT

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Pumpkin Cheesecake Pie

3 lbs avg

Box 6508

Take and Bake

If someone asks whether you want Pumpkin Pie or Cheesecake and your answer is “yes,” then this is the pie for you! With a layer of cheesecake hiding underneath a traditional pumpkin pie filling, this is the perfect Thanksgiving dessert.  

This is a Take & Bake pie -- as easy as making a frozen pizza! 

Made by Ben the Baker. 

Ingredients: Pumpkin, Cream Cheese (pasteurized milk and cream, cheese culture, salt, stabilizers (carob bean and/or xanthan and/or guar gums),Sugar, Bleached All Purpose Flour (bleached wheat flour,niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid, enzyme), Evaporated Milk (milk, dipotassium phosphate, carrageenan, vitamin D3), Eggs, Unsalted Butter (pasteurized cream,natural flavoring), Water, Pure Vanilla Extract (water, alcohol (35%), sugar, vanilla bean extractives), Himalayan Sea Salt, Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg, Allspice Contains: Milk,Egg, Wheat,

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Apple Pie

3.2 lbs avg

Box 6509

Take and Bake

This pie combines the tart, complex flavor of Granny Smith apples along with freshly ground nutmeg, allspice, cinnamon, vanilla, and rum to create an apple pie that has won over many who claim to have never liked apple pie before trying this one.  

This is a Take & Bake pie -- as easy as making a frozen pizza!

Made by Ben the Baker. 

Ingredients: Granny Smith Apples, Bleached All Purpose Flour (bleached wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid, enzyme), Unsalted Butter (pasteurized cream, natural flavoring), Sugar, Water, Apple Cider (apple juice,potassium sorbate, sodium benzoate), Instant Clearjel (modified food starch), Lemon Juice, Turbinado Sugar, Rum, Milk (milk, vitamin D3), Vanilla (vanilla bean extractives, water), Cinnamon, Himalayan Sea Salt, Nutmeg, Allspice Contains: Milk, Wheat

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Curried Apple Butternut Soup

1.9 lbs avg

Box 651

A true fall favorite!

A true Fall favorite made with roasted butternut squash in a creamy puree of coconut milk, apple, ginger, curry, and turmeric.

Ingredients: Butternut Squash*, Vegetable Stock (Water, Onions*, Celery*, Carrots*, Tomatoes*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil, Garlic, Parsley, Thyme, Black Pepper, Cloves), Apples*, Onions*, Coconut Milk* (Coconut*, Water, Guar Gum*), Celery*, Lime Juice, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil, Salt, Ginger, Curry Powder, Garlic, Turmeric, Black Pepper. *=Organic Contains: Coconut

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Pecan Pie

2.6 lbs avg

Box 6510

Take and Bake

What Thanksgiving dinner would be complete without a traditional pecan pie at the dessert table?  Some pecan pies are cloyingly sweet and the pecans are overpowered by the sweetness, but not this pie where the pecans take center stage.  

This is a Take & Bake pie -- as easy as making a frozen pizza!

Made by Ben the Baker. 

Ingredients: Unsalted Butter (pasteurized cream,natural flavoring), Bleached All Purpose Flour (bleached wheat flour,niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid, enzyme), Pecans, Dark Corn Syrup (corn syrup, refiners' syrup, caramel flavor, salt, sodium benzoate), Light Corn Syrup (corn syrup, salt, vanilla extract (vanilla beans, water, ethyl alcohol)), Eggs, Sugar, Water, Vanilla (vanilla bean extractives, water), Himalayan Sea Salt Contains: Milk, Egg, Wheat, Pecans

Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Raspberry Pretzel Pie

2.5 lbs avg

Box 6511

Thaw and Serve!

If you’ve ever been to a Minnesota potluck, odds are you’ve been introduced to a humble dessert known as “Raspberry Pretzel Jello Salad.”  This salty/sweet combination has a pretzel crust, a cream cheese and Cool Whip filling, a topping of raspberries suspended in jello, and is normally served as bars in a 9″x13″ pan.   

The Raspberry Pretzel Pie captures these same flavors in pie form, but upgrades the Cool Whip to freshly whipped cream in the cream cheese filling, and uses homemade raspberry pie filling instead of jello topping.  
This is a Thaw & Serve pie -- just thaw overnight in the fridge or 3-4 hours at room temperature!

Made by Ben the Baker. 

Ingredients: Raspberries, Sugar, Pretzels (enriched flour (wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), corn syrup, salt, yeast), Unsalted Butter (pasteurized cream,natural flavoring), Heavy Cream (cream, gellan gum), Cream Cheese (pasteurized milk and cream, cheese culture, salt, stabilizers (carob bean and/or xanthan and/or guar gums), Water, Instant Clearjel (modified food starch), Lemon Juice, Vanilla Extract (water, alcohol (35%), sugar, vanilla bean extractives) Contains: Milk, Wheat

Tigerstripe Chocolate Cream Pie

2.97 lbs avg

Box 6513

This pie has a cocoa-infused cream cheese/whipped cream filling and almost a pound of Oreo cookie wafers between the crust and the tiger stripes, culminating in the ultimate chocolate cream pie.  It’s perfect for chocolate lovers!
This is a Thaw * Serve pie

Made by Ben the Baker. 

Ingredients: Heavy Cream (cream,gellan gum), Oreo Cookie Wafers (unbleached enriched flour (wheat flour,niacin, reduced iron, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid), sugar, canola oil, cocoa (processed with alkali), high fructose corn syrup, leavening (baking soda and/or calcium phosphate), salt, soy lecithin, chocolate, artificial flavor), Cream Cheese (pasteurized milk and cream, cheese culture, salt, stabilizers (carob bean and/or xanthan and/or guar gums)), Sugar, Unsalted Butter (pasteurized cream, natural flavoring), Cocoa (processed with alkali), Instant Clearjel (modified food starch), Vanilla Extract (vanilla bean extractives in water, alcohol), Espresso Powder (powdered Brazilian coffee) Contains: Dairy, Wheat, Soy

Scalloped Potatoes - Organic 3-4 servings

1.5 lbs avg

Box 6514

Ready to bake - so easy!

Amazing from scratch organic scalloped potatoes.  Simply pop in the oven and bake for a great side (or dinner for one if you want!) 


Ingredients: Potato*, Heavy cream*, Onion*, Butter*, Garlic*, Rosemary*, Salt, Black Pepper*, Thyme*, Nutmeg*


*Certified Organic Ingredient

Creamy Chipotle Potato Soup

1.9 lbs avg

Box 652

Creamy Chipotle

Russet potatoes and cream meet a trio of Anaheim, green bell, and chipotle peppers in this slightly spicy soup.

Ingredients: Potatoes*, Vegetable Stock (Water, Onions*, Celery*, Carrots*, Tomatoes*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil, Garlic, Parsley, Thyme, Black Pepper, Cloves), Cream*, Onions*, Green Peppers*, Anaheim Peppers*, Rice Flour, Butter* (Pasteurized Sweet Cream*, Microbial Cultures), Salt, Chipotle Peppers*, Black Pepper. * = Organic Contains: Dairy

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Fall Harvest Soup

1.9 lbs avg

Box 653

Harvest Soup

Filled with oven-roasted veggies like sweet potato, mushrooms, parsnips, and carrots. MN grown wild rice and kale add heartiness to this Fall favorite.

Ingredients: Vegetable Stock (Water, Yellow Onion*, Celery*, Carrot*, Tomato*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Garlic*, Thyme*, Black Pepper*, Cloves*), Crushed Tomatoes*(Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Carrots*, Yellow Onion*, MN Wild Rice, Kale*, Yams*, Celery*, Mushrooms*, Parsnips*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Sea Salt, Balsamic Vinegar*, Black Pepper*, Thyme*, Bay Leaf*. * = Organic

These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

Soup Tuscan Tomato

1.9 lbs avg

Box 655

Perfect for winter!

One quart of tuscan tomato soup​

Contains Coconut

Ingredients:Vegetable Stock* (Water, Onions*, Celery*, Carrots*, Tomatoes*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Garlic*, Parsley*, Thyme*, Black Pepper*, Cloves*), Crushed Tomatoes*(Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Citric Acid), Coconut Milk* (Coconut*, Water, Guar Gum*), Onions*, Carrots*, Spinach*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Balsamic Vinegar**, Garlic*, Salt, Basil*, Black Pepper*, Thyme*.

* = Organic
** = Non-GMO certified

Soup Sweet Potato Quinoa and Bean Chili

1.9 lbs avg

Box 657

Not spicy! Our kids' favorite!

One quart of sweet potato black bean chili

Ingredients:Vegetable Stock* (Water, Onions*, Celery*, Carrots*, Tomatoes*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Garlic*, Parsley*, Thyme*, Black Pepper*, Cloves*), Crushed Tomatoes*(Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Citric Acid), Black Beans*, Yams*, Red Quinoa*, Onions*, Green Bell Peppers*, Red Bell Peppers*, Orange Juice*, Agave Nectar*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Lime Juice*, Tomato Paste* (Tomato Paste*, Citric Acid), Salt, Garlic*, Chili Powder* (Chili Peppers*, Cumin*, Oregano*, Coriander*, Garlic*, Rice Concentrate*, Allspice*, Cloves*), Cilantro*, Cornstarch**, Cumin*, Paprika*, Coriander*.

* = Organic
** = Non-GMO certified

Soup Creamy Wild Rice

1.9 lbs avg

Box 659

A great Minnesota tradition!

One quart of wild rice soup​

Contains Almonds

Ingredients: Vegetable Stock* (Water, Onions*, Celery*, Carrots*, Tomatoes*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Garlic*, Parsley*, Thyme*, Black Pepper*, Cloves*), Heavy Whipping Cream*, Wild Rice, Onions*, Mushrooms*, Carrots*, Butter* (Pasteurized Sweet Cream*, Microbial Cultures), Rice Flour*, Celery*, Almonds, Sherry, Salt, Garlic*, Parsley*, Black Pepper*, Curry Powder* (Turmeric*, Paprika*, Fenugreek*, Coriander*, Black Pepper*, Cumin*, Ginger*, Celery Seed*, Cloves*, Caraway*, Cayenne*), Mustard Seed*, Thyme*, Bay Leaves*.

* = Organic

Vegetable Potato Curry Bake

1.75 lbs avg

Box 670

Ready to eat coconut curry

2 adult servings of our luxurious coconut milk vegetable curry with a medley of roasted sweet and yellow potatoes.

Requiring zero prep work, our bakes are made from scratch using organic ingredients, no sugar, and are ready to pop in the oven for a quick meal. 

Contains: Coconut

Easy, delicious and nutrient-dense, ready to bake in the oven. Bakes in 20-25 minutes if thawed or 40-50 if frozen.

Ingredients: Vegetable Curry (Coconut Milk* (Coconut*, Water, Guar Gum*), Crushed Tomatoes* (Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Citric Acid), Olive Oil*, Onion Powder*, Garlic Powder*, Oregano*, Sea Salt, Onion*, Tomato Paste* (Tomato Paste*, Citric Acid), Cilantro*, Ginger*, Garlic*, Turmeric*, Cumin*, Coriander*, Garam Masala* (Black Pepper*, Cloves*, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*, Cumin*, Coriander*), Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper*, Cardamom*, Red Pepper Flakes), Cauliflower*, Button Mushrooms*, Carrots*, Green Beans*, Chickpeas*, Cilantro*, Cumin*, Sea Salt, Fenugreek*, Chili Powder*, Turmeric*, Black Pepper*), Sweet Potato*, Yellow Potato*. * = Organic

Portabella Red Curry Bake

1.75 lbs avg

Box 671

Ready to eat veggie curry

2 adult servings of our delicious red curry, featuring organic portabella mushrooms, red peppers, broccoli, sweet corn, carrots, and basil in a creamy coconut sauce.  Served with a medley of brown and wild rice. 

Requiring zero prep work, our bakes are made from scratch using organic ingredients, no sugar, and are ready to pop in the oven for a quick meal. 

Contains: Coconut, Soy

Easy, delicious and nutrient-dense, ready to bake in the oven. Bakes in 20-25 minutes if thawed or 40-50 if frozen.

Ingredients: Portabella Mushrooms*, Coconut Milk* (Coconut*, Purified Water, Guar Gum*), Rice Medley (Brown Rice*, MN Wild Rice, Sea Salt), Carrots*, Red Onion*, Red Peppers*, Corn*, Broccoli*, Red Curry Paste (Red Chili Pepper, Soybean Oil, Galangal Root, Shallot, Coriander Root, Kaffir Lime Peel, Spices), Basil*, Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Lime Juice*, Garlic*, Tamari* (Water, Soybeans*, Salt, Alcohol* (To Preserve Freshness)), Ginger*, Rice Vinegar, Shiitake Mushrooms*, Cayenne Pepper*, Sea Salt. * = Organic

Mostaccioli Vegetable Pasta Bake

1.9 lbs avg

Box 672

Organic red sauce pasta ready in minutes

2 generous adult servings of our decadent layered pasta made with our scratch red sauce and a medley of veggies, mozzarella and ricotta cheeses. 

Requiring zero prep work, our bakes are made from scratch using organic ingredients, no sugar, and are ready to pop in the oven for a quick meal. 

Contains: Dairy, Gluten/Wheat

Easy, delicious and nutrient-dense, ready to bake in the oven. Bakes in 20-25 minutes if thawed or 40-50 if frozen.

Pasta Sauce (Crushed Tomatoes (Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree*, Sea Salt, Basil*, Citric Acid), Olive Oil*, Garlic Powder*, Onion Powder*, Oregano*, Button Mushrooms*, Zucchini*, Eggplant*, Yellow Onion*, Spinach*, Basil*, Garlic*, Olive Oil*, Sea Salt, Seasoning (Black Pepper*, Fennel*, Garlic Powder*, Onion Powder*, Sage*), Penne Pasta* (Durum Wheat Semolina*, Water), Mozzarella* (Cultured Pasteurized Part-Skim Milk*, Salt, Enzymes), Ricotta Cheese* (Whole Milk*, Skim Milk*, Vinegar*, Salt). * = Organic

Mushroom Tikka Masala Bake

1.9 lbs avg

Box 673

Tikka Masala!

Aromatic roasted mushrooms in a rich and creamy curry sauce with a medley of brown rice and Minnesota wild rice.

Requiring zero prep work, our bakes are made from scratch using organic ingredients, no sugar, and are ready to pop in the oven for a quick meal. 

Easy, delicious and nutrient-dense, ready to bake in the oven. Bakes in 20-25 minutes if thawed or 40-50 if frozen.

Ingredients: Tikka Sauce (Cream*, Tomato Sauce (Crushed Tomatoes* (Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Citric Acid), Olive Oil*, Onion Powder*, Garlic Powder*, Oregano*, Sea Salt), Onion*, Tomato Paste* (Tomato Paste*, Citric Acid), Cilantro*, Ginger*, Garlic*, Turmeric*, Cumin*, Coriander*, Garam Masala* (Black Pepper*, Cloves*, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*, Cumin*, Coriander*), Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper*, Cardamom*, Red Pepper Flakes), Rice Medley (Brown Rice*, MN Wild Rice, Sea Salt), Mushrooms*, Broccoli*, Carrots*, Zucchini*. * = Organic Contains: Dairy
Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Cheese Pizza

1.3 lbs avg

Box 680

Handmade classic

Treat yourself to the classic pizza.  Scratch-made with a sugar free sauce so you can feel good enjoying this treat!

Add on some TC Farm pepperoni, Italian sausage, or our amazing mushrooms if you'd like! 

Made with Organic Valley's Mozzarella and Parmesan and a 100% naturally leavened organic hand-stretched crust. 

Ingredients: Pizza Crust (Stone-Milled Flour (Hard Red Spring Wheat*), Water, Sea Salt, Olive Oil*, Diastatic Malt Powder), Mozzarella* (Cultured Pasteurized Part-Skim Milk*, Salt, Enzymes), Provolone (Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes), Pizza Sauce (Crushed Tomatoes* (Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Basil*, Citric Acid), Olive Oil*, Garlic Powder*, Onion Powder*, Oregano*, Sea Salt), Parmesan* (Part-Skim Milk*, Salt, Vegetarian Enzymes). * = Organic Contains: Dairy, Wheat

Margherita Pizza

1.3 lbs avg

Box 681

Scratch made goodness

One of the most popular pizzas!

Made with scratch made sugar free sauce, organic cherry tomatoes, basil, and a 100% naturally leavened organic hand-stretched crust. 

Ingredients: Pizza Crust (Stone-Milled Flour (Hard Red Spring Wheat*), Water, Sea Salt, Olive Oil*, Diastatic Malt Powder), Fresh Mozzarella (Cultured Pasteurized Milk, Salt, Lactic Acid, Enzymes), Pizza Sauce (Crushed Tomatoes* (Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Basil*, Citric Acid), Olive Oil*, Garlic Powder*, Onion Powder*, Oregano*, Sea Salt), Grape Tomatoes*, Basil*. * = Organic Contains: Dairy, Wheat

Thai Coconut Curry Pizza - Dairy Free

1.17 lbs avg

Box 682

A tasty adventure

Scratch-made coconut curry sauce, roasted cauliflower, red pepper, carrot, Thai spices, sweet and sour chili sauce, basil, and cilantro atop a hand-tossed 100% naturally leavened wheat crust.

Even if you are not dairy free, you'll love this pizza made using mostly organic spices and seasonings.

Ingredients: Pizza Crust (Stone-Milled Flour (Hard Red Spring Wheat*), Water, Sea Salt, Olive Oil*, Diastatic Malt Powder), Coconut Curry (Coconut Milk* (Coconut*, Water, Guar Gum*), Mushroom Sauce (Water, Sea Salt, Tamari Soy Sauce* (Water, Soybeans*, Salt, Alcohol (To Preserve Freshness)), Shiitake Mushrooms*), Water, Red Curry Paste (Garlic, Dried Red Chili, Soybean Oil, Lemongrass, Galangal, Salt, Shallot, Coriander Root, Kaffir Lime Peel, Spices), Brown Sugar*, Cornstarch, Lime Juice*), Cauliflower (Cauliflower*, Olive Oil*, Sea Salt, Black Pepper*), Red Pepper*, Carrots*, Chili Sauce (Water, Agave Syrup*, Rice Vinegar, Sherry Vinegar, Garlic*, Cornstarch, Ginger*, Tamari Soy Sauce* (Water, Soybeans*, Salt, Alcohol (To Preserve Freshness)), Red Pepper Flakes), Green Onion*, Cilantro*, Basil*, Thai Spice Mix (Sea Salt, Smoked Paprika, Fenugreek*, Black Pepper*, Turmeric*, Coriander*, Cumin*, Mustard Seed*, Ground Ginger*). * = Organic Contains: Wheat, Coconut, Soy

Tamari Mushroom Ginger Pizza

1.25 lbs avg

Box 683

The mushroom lover

Your new favorite pizza !

Portobello, oyster and white button mushrooms marinated in a tamari ginger sauce with Organic Valley mozzarella, green onion and cilantro atop a hand-tossed, 100% naturally leavened organic crust.

Ingredients: Pizza Crust (Stone-Milled Flour (Hard Red Spring Wheat*), Water, Sea Salt, Olive Oil*, Diastatic Malt Powder), Marinated Mushrooms (Button Mushrooms*, Marinade (Mushroom Sauce (Water, Sea Salt, Tamari Soy Sauce* (Water, Soybeans*, Salt, Alcohol (To Preserve Freshness)), Shiitake Mushrooms*), Maple Syrup*, Green Onion*, Brown Sugar*, Garlic*, Ginger*, Sesame Oil*, Black Pepper*), Portabella Mushrooms*, Oyster Mushrooms*), Mozzarella* (Cultured Pasteurized Part-Skim Milk*, Salt, Enzymes), Garlic Oil (Olive Oil*, Maple Syrup*, Garlic*, Black Pepper*), Green Onion*, Provolone (Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes), Cilantro*. * = Organic Contains: Dairy, Wheat, Sesame, Soy

Mushroom Tikka Masala Pizza

1.25 lbs avg

Box 684

Indian Style Pizza!

Button mushrooms, house-made Tikka Masala sauce, mozzarella, and cilantro atop a hand-tossed 100% naturally leavened organic wheat crust. 

Ingredients: Pizza Crust (Stone-Milled Flour (Hard Red Spring Wheat*), Water, Sea Salt, Olive Oil*, Diastatic Malt Powder), Mushrooms*, Tikka Spices (Ginger*, Garlic*, Turmeric*, Garam Masala* (Black Pepper*, Cloves*, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*, Cumin*, Coriander*), Coriander*, Cumin*), Sea Salt)), Tikka Sauce (Cream*, Pizza Sauce (Crushed Tomatoes* (Tomatoes*, Tomato Puree* (Water, Tomato Paste*), Sea Salt, Basil*, Citric Acid), Olive Oil*, Garlic Powder*, Onion Powder*, Oregano*, Sea Salt), Onions*, Tomato Paste* (Tomato Paste*, Citric Acid), Cilantro*, Tikka Spices (Ginger*, Garlic*, Turmeric*, Garam Masala* (Black Pepper*, Cloves*, Cinnamon*, Cardamom*, Cumin*, Coriander*), Coriander*, Cumin*), Cold Pressed Sunflower Oil*, Sea Salt, Cayenne Pepper*, Cardamom*, Red Pepper Flakes), Mozzarella* (Cultured Pasteurized Part-Skim Milk*, Salt, Enzymes), Provolone (Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes), Cilantro*. * = Organic Contains: Dairy, Wheat
Flat rate box, weights may vary.

Almonds - Roasted Sea Salt

1.25 lbs avg

Box 700

Organic Almonds

Organic roasted almonds with sea salt

  • Use within 3 months of thawing

  • Dry roasted at Tierra Farm, NO oils or sugar added.

    Peanut Free facility

    Click here to view ingredients

    Almonds - Raw Unsalted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7001

    From California

    Organic raw unsalted almonds from California

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Almonds - Cocoa Dusted

    1 lbs avg

    Box 704

    Jack's Favorite

    Organic almonds dusted with fair trade cocoa.   

    Dry Roasted Almonds*, Fairtrade Chocolate* (Cocoa Liquor*, Cane Sugar*, Cocoa Butter*, Vanilla*) Sea Salt, Cocoa Powder*, Maltodextrin*, Sugar*. *Certified Organic Ingredients

    Peanut Free facility

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Cashews - Roasted Sea Salt

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 705

    Organic Whole Cashew

    Organic roasted cashews with sea salt - Whole

    Dry roasted at Tierra Farm, NO oils or sugar added.

    Peanut Free facility

    Cashews - Roasted Unsalted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7051

    Dry Roasted

    Organic cashews, dry roasted without salt or oils added

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Cashews - Curry Seasoned

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7053

    A favorite healthy snack

    Dry roasted organic cashews seasoned with a curry mix - a perfect snack!

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Cashews - Raw Unsalted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7058

    Ready to cook with!

    Organic and raw cashews

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Cashews - Chocolate Covered

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 706

    A salty sweet treat!

    Organic premium, dry-roasted cashews, lightly sea salted and tumbled in a chocolate pan

    Dry Roasted Cashews*, Fair trade Chocolate* (Cocoa Liquor*, Cane Sugar*, Cocoa Butter*, Vanilla*) Sea Salt, Maltodextrin*, Sugar*, Confectioner's Glaze.

    *Certified Organic Ingredients

    Peanut-free facility

    Walnuts - Raw Unsalted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7080

    Perfect for baking

    Organic and raw walnuts

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Pecans - Raw Unsalted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7082

    Make a pie!

    Organic and raw pecans

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Brazil Nuts - Raw Unsalted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 7085

    Great in cookies or a snack

    Organic and raw Brazil nuts.

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Pumpkin Seeds - Raw Unsalted

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 7090

    Organic and raw pumpkin seeds, no shell. 

    Pumpkin Seeds are an excellent source of protein, iron and zinc. Additionally, they are rich in heart-healthy fats, such as omega-3 and monounsaturated oleic acid.

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Sunflower Seeds - Roasted & Salted

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 7092

    The classic snack

    Organic sunflower seeds - roasted and salted (no shells)

    NO oils or sugar added.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Nut Mix - Roasted & Salted

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 710

    Organic and tasty!

    16 ounce organic, dry roasted and sea-salted

    Processed in a peanut-free facility 
    • Cashew
    • Almond
    • Hazelnut
    • Pecans
    • Walnut

    No oils added, only sea salt

    Nut Mix - Maple

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 711

    A touch of sweet, all from trees

    With maple glaze

    Organic, dry roasted and sea salted

    Processed in a peanut-free facility 
    • Cashew
    • Almond
    • Hazelnut
    • Pecans
    • Walnut

    No oils added, only sea salt, organic maple syrup and organic wheat-free tamari soy sauce

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Trail Mix - Cranberry Cashew Chocolate

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 713

    So tasty anytime!

    ​A simple and decadent trail mix, all organic
    • Dry roasted cashews
    • Apple juice sweetened cranberries
    • Dark chocolate chips

    Click here to view ingredients

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Trail Mix

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 714

    A great snack!

    The classic organic trail mix

    • Roasted sea salt cashew
    • Pumkin seed
    • Sunflower seed
    • Sultana raisins
    • Cranberries
    • Diced apple
    • Chocolate Chips

    Chocolate Chip ingredients:
    Cane sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, soy lecithin (emulsifier), vanilla extract.

    Granola - Pistachio Mulberry

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 715

    Organic and not too sweet

    An organic tasty mix of dried mulberries, pistachios and a variety of seeds blended with gluten-free oats that are lightly sweetened with organic maple syrup. 

    • No refined sugar. 
    • Guten Free

    Whole Rolled Oats*, Maple Syrup*, Sesame Seeds*, Chia Seeds*, Flax Seeds*, Sultana Raisins*, Sunflower Seeds*, Virgin Coconut Oil*, Dried Coconut*, Dried Mulberries*, Roasted Pistachio Meats*, Sea Salt.
    *Certified Organic Ingredients

    From a peanut-free facility

    Granola - Triple Berry

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 716

    Organic and not too sweet

    An organic classic no-nut granola with cherries, cranberries and mulberries

    Use within 3 months of thawing

    Whole Rolled Oats*, Maple Syrup*, Sesame Seeds*, Chia Seeds*, Flax Seeds*, Dried Cranberries* (Apple Juice Concentrate*, Sunflower Oil*), Sunflower Seeds*, Virgin Coconut Oil*, Dried Coconut*, Raisins*, Dried Mulberries*, Dried Tart Cherries*, Sea Salt.
    * Certified Organic Ingredients

    Made in a peanut-free facility

    Granola - Cranberry Cashew Pecan

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 717

    A classic combination of flavor

    An organic mix of apple sweetened cranberries paired with cashews and pecans blended with gluten-free oats that are lightly sweetened with organic maple syrup. 

    • No refined sugar. 
    • Guten Free

    Click here to view ingredients

    Granola - Cinnamon Maple

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 718

    Organic. Not too sweet

    Start out your day with the cozy feeling you get from the taste of cinnamon granola in your bowl. 

    We take the highest quality, gluten-free oats and bake them at a low temperature in our convection ovens for a toasted flavor that can’t be beat. 

    Then, we add in our meticulously dry-roasted maple cinnamon cashew pieces, maple cinnamon walnuts, and maple roasted almonds for a flavor which is both comforting and energizing to start your day. 

    Every serving of our granola is chock full of heart-healthy seeds, like chia and flax, and the addition of coconut rounds out this cereal with subtle sweetness. Without any refined sugars, our granola is top of the line

    Flat rate box, weights may vary.

    Granola - Just Granola

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 719

    A perfect base granola

    Our base granola without any extras. Add your own or enjoy just as it is. 

    Click here to view ingredients

    Black Mission Figs - Dried

    1 lbs avg

    Box 730

    Organic Premium Figs from CA

    Black Mission Fig fruit from CA - the best figs! 

    Use within 3 months of thawing

    NO sulfur preservatives or sweeteners added (from our friends at Tierra Farms)

    Note: Many (most?) dried fruit contain a sulfur-based preservative which has known risk factors for exacerbating health issues like asthma. None of the dried fruit we offer contains these added chemicals.

    Mango - Dried

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 732

    Organic large mango slices from Mexico

    Dried Mango - large slices from Mexico

    Our kids LOVE these! 

    Use within 3 months of thawing

    NO sulfur preservatives or sweeteners added (from our friends at Tierra Farms)

    Note: Many (most?) dried fruits contain a sulfur-based preservative which has known risk factors for exacerbating health issues like asthma. None of the dried fruit we offer contains these added chemicals.

    Cranberries - Dried

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 734

    The BEST Cranberries

    These cranberries are SO good - they are sweetened with just organic apple juice and totally changed our view of what a cranberry can taste like. 

    Highly recommend using these in our scone recipe (maybe with a bit of chocolate chips).

    NO sulfur preservatives added (from our friends at Tierra Farms)

    Note: Many (most?) dried fruits contain a sulfur-based preservative which has known risk factors for exacerbating health issues like asthma. None of the dried fruit we offer contains these added chemicals.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Very Berry Mix - Dried

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 739

    Mixed Dried Berries

    A great mix to add to granola or just to snack on.  All organic:

    Golden Raisins, Mulberries, Cranberries, Flame Raisins, Golden Berries, Pomegranates, Goji Berries, Blueberries

    Use within 3 months of thawing

    NO sulfur preservatives added. Cranberries & blueberries have organic apple juice as the only sweetener. (from our friends at Tierra Farms)

    Note: Many (most?) dried fruits contain a sulfur-based preservative which has known risk factors for exacerbating health issues like asthma. None of the dried fruit we offer contains these added chemicals.

    Sea Salt - Pink Himalayan - Fine

    2 lbs avg

    Box 749

    Rich in minerals and tasty!

    2 pounds (!) of fine grind Pink Himalayan sea salt. 

    We love this sea salt and use it as a finishing and baking salt. Harvested from the Himalayan mountains, it contains healthy minerals that contribute to the pink hue and amazing flavor. 

    Bent River - Camembert Cheese

    0.67 lbs avg

    Box 750

    100% Grass Fed and amazing

    One wheel of Alemar Cheese Company's Bent River Camembert style cheese. 

    Made with 100% grass fed cow's milk raised on a small farm in Litchfield. 

    Enjoy at room temp.

    We LOVE this cheese - we've been fans of Alemar Cheese Company since way back when they started and were using Cedar Summit milk! Enjoy this by itself on a cheese plate, on eggs or burgers, or really anywhere you can imagine a tangy creamy cheese. The rind is edible and we encourage eating it all together.

    Will store for several weeks unopened or a good week or so in your fridge if tightly wrapped back in the original package.

    Exact weights vary, this is a flat rate item

    St. James - Tomme-Style Cheese

    0.4 lbs avg

    Box 751

    100% grass fed

    One wedge of Alemar Cheese Company's St. James Tomme style cheese (about one sixth of a wheel)

    Made with 100% grass fed cow's milk raised on a small farm in Litchfield. 

    This cheese is lovely on sandwiches and provides a tangy, fudgey addition to any cheese plate. The rind is edible, but most cut it off for this style.

    Size will vary and this is priced per wedge. The minimum weight is 5 ounces. Target is to be closer to 6.5 - 7 ounces in most cases. Since the whole wheel is 2.25 - 2.5lbs, we figured most would not be eating that much cheese at once. These are cut by hand into six about equal pieces at Alemar for TC Farm members.

    Good Thunder Cheese

    0.5 lbs avg

    Box 752

    Washed-rind in Surly Bender!

    One square of Alemar Cheese Company's Good Thunder Cheese.

    Made with 100% grass fed cow's milk raised on a small farm in Litchfield. 

    Washed with Surly Bender during its three weeks of aging, this cheese gets softer and more funky with age.

    Enjoy at room temp - most Reblochon style cheeses will have white or blueish growths on the rind - this is normal and safe to eat.

    Will store for several weeks unopened (and get a stronger flavor if you wait) or a good week or so in your fridge if tightly wrapped back in the original package.

    Exact weights vary, this is a flat rate item

    Sakatah Cheese

    0.5 lbs avg

    Box 754

    A seasonal favorite

    One square of Alemar Cheese Company's Sakatah Cheese.

    Made with 100% grass fed cow's milk raised on a small farm in Litchfield. 

    A bit milder than the Bent River, it is wrapped in brandy-soaked Minnesota grape leaves for aging. 

    You may notice some blue mold on the cheese itself. That strain is Penicillium Roqueforti and is completely normal and perfectly safe to eat.

    Enjoy at room temperature. The rind and grape leaf are edible and we encourage eating it all together.

    Will store for several weeks unopened or a good week or so in your fridge if tightly wrapped back in the original package.

    Exact weights vary, this is a flat rate item

    String Cheese - Organic Valley

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 7561

    Easy Snacking!

    24ct of individually wrapped mozzarella string cheese. 

    Perfect for lunch boxes and every day snacking! 

    Sharp Cheddar Cheese

    1 lbs avg

    Box 758

    Organic from Rochdale Co-op

    Two 8 ounce packages of organic sharp cheddar cheese from Rochdale coop

    This is a great go-to daily cheese from small WI farms you can trust.

    Note:This cheese is organic and non-GM but the cows from this co-op are grain-fed as a portion of their diet. This milk is from small Amish farms in WI that are certified organic and hand milk thier own cows.

    Cream Cheese - Organic Valley

    0.5 lbs avg

    Box 760

    Full fat organic cheese

    One bar of organic valley cream cheese.  If bars are not available a tub may be substituted. 

    Note that this is a spread.

    Cottage Cheese

    1 lbs avg

    Box 761

    Organic, Full Fat and Creamy

    One tub (16 oz) of full fat (4%) cottage cheese from Organic Valley or Kalona. 

    French Onion Dip

    0.75 lbs avg

    Box 773

    Organic, Perfectly Creamy and Savory

    One tub (12oz) of real sour cream and organic spices. Perfect for dipping chips, veggies and more!

    Ingredients: Organic Grade A Milk, Organic Grade A Cream, Organic French Onion Seasoning (Organic Dehydrated Onion and Garlic, Salt, Organic Natural Flavors, Organic Cane Sugar, Organic Dehydrated Spinach, and less than 2% Organic Canola Oil And Organic Rice Concentrate), Cultures.

    Flat rate box, weights may vary.

    Sour Cream

    1 lbs avg

    Box 774

    Organic, Full fat and tasty

    One tub of full fat (4%) sour cream from Organic Valley if possible otherwise Kalona, 16 ounces. 


    1 lbs avg

    Box 775

    Organic Heavy Cream

    One pint of organic heavy cream from either Organic Valley or Kalona. 

    Please note that cream is in high demand, we may not be able to fill all orders at all times. If we are unable to fill your order, we will let you know and reserve some for you next time.

    Like almost all grocery items, we are able to deliver at a better value than a regular grocery store, look for more dairy soon.

    Half & Half

    1 lbs avg

    Box 776


    1 pint (16oz) of the perfect mix of milk and cream from Organic Valley or Kalona. 

    *We recently discovered that Kalona feeds their cows the regular amount of grain even though it's labeled as grass-fed (since their cows get some grass, they claim it as being grass fed which we disagree with). We only offer this brand as a substitute when our usual grass-fed dairy brand is unavailable, but we wanted our members to be aware of the difference when ordering Kalona. 

    Alexandre Whole 4% A2 Milk - 1/2 Gallon

    4 lbs avg

    Box 777

    Organic, A2/A2

    One half gallon of Alexandre Family Farm Whole (4%) milk 
    • Organic
    • Regenerative Organic Certified
    • Made from 100% A2 cows 
    • Top Rated by the The Cornucopia Institute
    • Humane Certified
    • Ecological Outcome Verified

    Alexandre Eco Dairy Whole Milk contains 4% milkfat – which is 24% more than the nationally standardized 3.25% milkfat in other Whole milk on the market. 

    Cows enjoy green grass or high quality hay when required along with access to certified organic grain.

    Alexandre's herd of cows only produces 100% A2/A2 organic milk: the digestible dairy. Over the past 2 decades we have been carefully cross-breeding our herd so our cows do not have the A1 protein that is linked to digestive issues. A2/A2 organic milk gives many people the freedom to enjoy real dairy again!

    MRNA Vaccine Statement: At Alexandre Dairy, we do all we can to prevent diseases with good organic management practices, healthy and timely colostrum in a newborn calf, homeopathic treatments like garlic tinctures and arnica tinctures, however we still must vaccinate our cattle with respiratory vaccines and other vaccines as preventative maintenance to ensure healthy cattle. We have worked with many holistic, organic nutrient advisors regarding our vaccination program. We will never use an MRNA vaccine in our cattle or at our farm.

    Ingredients: Organic Whole Milk, Vitamin D3

    Alexandre 2% Milk - 1/2 gallon

    4 lbs avg

    Box 778

    Organic, A2/A2

    One half gallon of Alexandre Family Farm reduced fat 2% milk 

    • Organic
    • Regenerative Organic Certified
    • Made from 100% A2 cows 
    • Top Rated by the The Cornucopia Institute
    • Humane Certified
    • Ecological Outcome Verified

    Cows enjoy green grass or high quality hay when required along with access to certified organic grain.

    Alexandre's herd of cows only produces 100% A2/A2 organic milk: the digestible dairy. Over the past 2 decades we have been carefully cross-breeding our herd so our cows do not have the A1 protein that is linked to digestive issues. A2/A2 organic milk gives many people the freedom to enjoy real dairy again!

    MRNA Vaccine Statement: At Alexandre Dairy, we do all we can to prevent diseases with good organic management practices, healthy and timely colostrum in a newborn calf, homeopathic treatments like garlic tinctures and arnica tinctures, however we still must vaccinate our cattle with respiratory vaccines and other vaccines as preventative maintenance to ensure healthy cattle. We have worked with many holistic, organic nutrient advisors regarding our vaccination program. We will never use an MRNA vaccine in our cattle or at our farm.

    Ingredients: Organic Milk, Organic Non-Fat Milk, Vit D3, Vit A Palmitate

    Whole Milk - Organic Valley 100% Grass Fed 1/2 gallon

    4 lbs avg

    Box 779

    Organic, 100% grass fed

    One half gallon of Organic Valley Whole milk: Organic, 100% Grass Fed & Local.

    *If we run out of 100% grass fed milk, we will sub in Whole 4% A2 milk from Alexandre Farm. 

    Ingredients: Organic Whole Milk, Vitamin D3

    Coffee Costa Rican Medium-Light Roast

    1 lbs avg

    Box 785015

    Organic Whole Bean

    ​Organic micro roasted coffee
    • Single farm
    • Whole bean
    Smooth medium roast best for Drip, Pour over or French Press

    Our Costa Rican coffee has a balanced and sweet flavor with citric acidity, a smooth mouthfeel, with toffee and citrus fruit notes. This medium roast (to around 1st crack) possesses an inherently intense flavor with peaks of bright acidity. This famous coffee region does not lack for flavor! If you prefer a flavorful, traditional cup of coffee you'll enjoy a medium roast. ​
    Flat rate box, weights may vary.

    Coffee Brazil Medium-Light Roast

    1 lbs avg

    Box 785115

    Organic Whole Bean

    Organic micro roasted coffee
    • Single farm
    • Whole bean
    Smooth medium roast best for Drip, Pour over or French Press

    Our Brazilian coffee is nutty, sweet, low in acidity and develops exceptional bittersweet and chocolate tastes. This is roasted to Full City and is a crowd pleasing coffee with outstanding body.
    Flat rate box, weights may vary.

    Coffee Costa Rican Darker Roast

    1 lbs avg

    Box 785215

    Organic Whole Bean

    ​Organic micro roasted coffee
    • Single farm
    • Whole bean
    Semi-sweet well rounded roast - ideally for espresso or any other brew method.

    Our Costa Rican dark roast coffee is a delightful cup with a semi-sweet, well rounded flavor and often a bright citrus finish. You will find a traditional taste with this coffee house classic with a much bolder flavor profile. Roasted to full city+
    Flat rate box, weights may vary.

    Coffee Colombian Medium Decaf

    1 lbs avg

    Box 786015

    Organic Whole Bean

    ​Organic whole bean micro roasted decaf coffee

    Mild, sweet and citric with lemon and toffee flavor. We only roast the Colombian Decaf as a medium roast.

    The Swiss Water Process relies on caffeine solubility and osmosis to remove caffeine from green coffee beans. To begin the decaffeination process, green coffee beans are soaked in hot water to dissolve the caffeine. After soaking, the water from the first round of green beans is passed through a charcoal filter. Caffeine is a large molecule and gets trapped in the filter while the sugars, oils and other chemical elements in coffee that impart flavor and aroma pass through and stay in the water to create what is called Green Coffee Extract. This green coffee extract-infused water is now used to soak the next batch of green beans. Since the Green Coffee Extract already contains the other elements of flavor, those substances won’t dissolve from the beans and just the caffeine is removed. It may sound complicated, but the result is decaffeinated coffee that is high on flavor and free from additional chemical solvents.
    Flat rate box, weights may vary.

    Kombucha Hazy Cactus

    9 lbs avg

    Box 7870

    Organic with real ingredients

    12 of MOR's all organic ingredient kombucha (12oz cans)

    Price listed includes sales tax.

    Brewed in small batches with pear, aloe and lemon juice.

    Simple ingredients without any fake "Natural" or artificial flavors added. 

    TC Farm is going to start making its own kombucha!

    We taste tested all of the local kombuchas, but couldn't find any that were organic, tasted great and avoided "Natural Flavors" which are typically questionable chemicals made from corn starch (if they use corn instead of a fossil fuel then it can be called a 'natural flavor').

    We then found MOR kombucha in Colorado, their kombucha was the best we've ever tried and they were open to partnering with us to start brewing their amazing recipes in Minnesota. Please try out the MOR branded kombucha and give us feedback while we work to craft our own TC Farm recipes and brew setup!

    Kombucha Mojito

    9 lbs avg

    Box 7871

    Organic with real ingredients

    12 of MOR's all organic ingredient kombucha (12oz cans)

    Price listed includes sales tax.

    Brewed in small batches with lime and mint

    Simple ingredients without any fake "Natural" or artificial flavors added. 

    TC Farm is going to start making its own kombucha!

    We taste tested all of the local kombuchas, but couldn't find any that were organic, tasted great and avoided "Natural Flavors" which are typically questionable chemicals made from corn starch (if they use corn instead of a fossil fuel then it can be called a 'natural flavor').

    We then found MOR kombucha in Colorado, their kombucha was the best we've ever tried and they were open to partnering with us to start brewing their amazing recipes in Minnesota. Please try out the MOR branded kombucha and give us feedback while we work to craft our own TC Farm recipes and brew setup!

    Kombucha Pineapple Peach

    9 lbs avg

    Box 7872

    Organic with real ingredients

    12 of MOR's all organic ingredient kombucha (12oz cans)

    Price listed includes sales tax.

    Brewed in small batches with pineapple and peach juice.

    Simple ingredients without any fake "Natural" or artificial flavors added. 

    TC Farm is going to start making its own kombucha!

    We taste tested all of the local kombuchas, but couldn't find any that were organic, tasted great and avoided "Natural Flavors" which are typically questionable chemicals made from corn starch (if they use corn instead of a fossil fuel then it can be called a 'natural flavor').

    We then found MOR kombucha in Colorado, their kombucha was the best we've ever tried and they were open to partnering with us to start brewing their amazing recipes in Minnesota. Please try out the MOR branded kombucha and give us feedback while we work to craft our own TC Farm recipes and brew setup!

    Kombucha Ginger Grapefruit

    9 lbs avg

    Box 7873

    Organic with real ingredients

    12 of MOR's all organic ingredient kombucha (12oz cans)

    Price listed includes sales tax.

    Brewed in small batches with ginger, grapefruit and ginkgo juice.

    Simple ingredients without any fake "Natural" or artificial flavors added. 

    TC Farm is going to start making its own kombucha!

    We taste tested all of the local kombuchas, but couldn't find any that were organic, tasted great and avoided "Natural Flavors" which are typically questionable chemicals made from corn starch (if they use corn instead of a fossil fuel then it can be called a 'natural flavor').

    We then found MOR kombucha in Colorado, their kombucha was the best we've ever tried and they were open to partnering with us to start brewing their amazing recipes in Minnesota. Please try out the MOR branded kombucha and give us feedback while we work to craft our own TC Farm recipes and brew setup!

    Kombucha Cherry Limeade

    9 lbs avg

    Box 7874

    Organic with real ingredients

    12 of MOR's all organic ingredient kombucha (12oz cans)

    Price listed includes sales tax.

    Brewed in small batches with cherry and lime juice.

    Simple ingredients without any fake "Natural" or artificial flavors added. 

    TC Farm is going to start making its own kombucha!

    We taste tested all of the local kombuchas, but couldn't find any that were organic, tasted great and avoided "Natural Flavors" which are typically questionable chemicals made from corn starch (if they use corn instead of a fossil fuel then it can be called a 'natural flavor').

    We then found MOR kombucha in Colorado, their kombucha was the best we've ever tried and they were open to partnering with us to start brewing their amazing recipes in Minnesota. Please try out the MOR branded kombucha and give us feedback while we work to craft our own TC Farm recipes and brew setup!

    Kombucha Sampler

    9 lbs avg

    Box 7879

    Organic with real ingredients

    A 12 can sampler pack of MOR's all organic ingredient kombucha (12oz cans)

    Price listed includes sales tax.

    Brewed in small batches with real organic fruit juice.

    Simple ingredients without any fake "Natural" or artificial flavors added. 

    TC Farm is going to start making its own kombucha!

    We taste tested all of the local kombuchas, but couldn't find any that were organic, tasted great and avoided "Natural Flavors" which are typically questionable chemicals made from corn starch (if they use corn instead of a fossil fuel then it can be called a 'natural flavor').

    We then found MOR kombucha in Colorado, their kombucha was the best we've ever tried and they were open to partnering with us to start brewing their amazing recipes in Minnesota. Please try out the MOR branded kombucha and give us feedback while we work to craft our own TC Farm recipes and brew setup!

    45% Chocolate Chips

    1 lbs avg

    Box 790

    Organic and Fair Trade

    Why is it so hard to buy organic and fair trade chocolate in the grocery?

    These are about the same price per pound as grocery conventional chocolate and taste better! 

    • 16 ounce bag of organic chocolate chips 
    • 45% dark

    Ingredients are all organic: Cane sugar, chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, soy lecithin (emulsifier), vanilla extract.

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Organic Chocolate Bar - 70%

    0.17 lbs avg

    Box 791

    My favorite chocolate bar

    Pacha chocolate bars are super good

    • 2.8 oz
    • 70% dark
    • Three ingredients  (!!) 
    • NO emulsifiers - soy free
    • Organic
    • Fair Trade
    • Made in a dedicated allergen-free facility

    Ingredients are all organic: Chocolate Liquor, Cane Sugar, Cocoa Butter.

    The price listed includes sales tax

    55% Chocolate Chips

    0.55 lbs avg

    Box 792

    Organic and fair trade

    8.8 oz of Pascha's 55% dark semi-sweet chocolate chips

    • Organic
    • Fair Trade
    • No soy or emulsifiers

    3 Organic ingredients - Cane Sugar, Chocolate Liquor and Cocoa Butter.

    The price listed includes sales tax

    85% Chocolate Chips

    0.55 lbs avg

    Box 793

    Organic, Fair trade and no soy

    8.8 oz of Pascha's 85% dark bittersweet chocolate chips

    • Organic
    • Fair Trade
    • No soy or emulsifiers

    3 organic ingredients - Chocolate Liquor, Cane Sugar, and Cocoa Butter.

    The price listed includes sales tax

    White Chocolate Chips

    0.44 lbs avg

    Box 795

    Organic, No Dairy or soy and fair trade

    7.1 oz of Pascha's white chocolate baking chips

    • Organic
    • No Dairy and Vegan
    • Fair Trade
    • No soy or emulsifiers

    7 organic ingredients - Cocoa Butter, Cane Sugar, Tapioca Starch, Rice Syrup Solids, Rice Maltodextrin, Vanilla and Salt.

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Cocoa Powder - Organic and Dutched

    1 lbs avg

    Box 798

    20/22 premium fat content

    ​1 pound of the best organic cocoa powder

    • Premium 20/22 fat content (vs. 10/12 grocery brands)
    • Perfect for baking, smoothies, hot chocolate and more

    We recommend storing in a ball jar at room temperature

    "Dutched" cocoa powder is processed with a potassium carbonate solution to neutralize the cocoa's acidity and to create a cocoa powder darker in color with a higher, more alkaline pH level. Dutched cocoa powder is more soluble and less bitter than natural cocoa powder and should be used in products with baking powder instead of baking soda.

    Mushroom Sampler

    1.45 lbs avg

    Box 800

    Enjoy the best wild and wild crafted products of the season!

    Each month we offer the very best of wild and wildcrafted mushrooms.

    We will be aiming for around 1.25-1.6 pounds total depending on the varieties included.

    -For December our mushroom sampler will include White Alba and Grey Oyster mushrooms.

    This is a flat rate box, weights may vary

    Mushrooms - King Trumpet

    1.2 lbs avg

    Box 801

    Great for the grill

    Thick white stemmed mushrooms with mocha brown camp. Has a firm meat-like texture. 

    This is a flat rate box, weights may vary

    Mushrooms - Maitake

    0.75 lbs avg

    Box 802

    Maitake is wonderfully adaptable with a fabulous, forest aroma, a deep umami flavor and a light, crunchy, somewhat meaty texture

    Traditional in Asian cuisine, but its rich versatile flavor also finds complements with roasted meats and chicken, cheeses, dark leafy greens, and hearty grains. 

    A good source of micronutrients!

    This is a flat rate box, weights may vary

    Frozen Baby Ginger

    1 lbs avg

    Box 805

    Local and organic

    Baby ginger grown organically in MN!   This stuff is so great - we keep it in the freezer and it doesn't even need to be peeled.  Just chop off how much you need for tea or a stir fry or any dish and leave the rest in the freezer.  

    Do not fully thaw, just cut or grate frozen - if you thaw it is fine, but it will be watery, just use it as you normally would, no peeling though for baby ginger.

    Pesto- Garlic Scape - Seven Songs

    0.37 lbs avg

    Box 808

    6 ounce jar

    One six ounce jar of local garlic scape pesto.

    Use on pasta, pizza or as a marinate or topping on chops, fish or chicken. 

    This is made by Seven Song Farm (part of our produce CSA this year). She uses local organic garlic scapes and combines with all organic ingredients with the exception of the Italian romano cheese.

    Nut and Gluten Free

    Ingredients: Olive Oil, Garlic Scapes, Pumpkins Seeds, Lemon Juice, Pecorino Romano Cheese, Basil, Salt, Black Pepper.

    Microgreens- Limited Quantities Available!

    0.2 lbs avg

    Box 8111

    Organically grown and tasty

    1 package of local, organically grown micro-greens, rotating varieties.

    These are sunflower micro-greens

    To ensure you have a package reserved, please register here to pre-reserve the microgreens on whatever schedule you'd prefer (find them under the produce section).

    We raise enough for members who pre-reserve and try to have a couple of extras each week for members who want to just try how tasty they are.

    Because these are on first come-first serve basis with a limited quantity, we may not be able to fulfill every order.

    Brioche Hamburger Buns

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 824

    The perfect pairing for your burger!

    8 organic brioche hamburger buns

    Made custom for TC Farm members by Backwards Bread! 

    Brioche Brat Buns

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 825

    Amazing buns from Backwards Bread

    8 organic brioche buns

    100% organic ingredients are: wheat, milk, egg, butter, sugar, yeast, salt

    Sugar Cinnamon Buns

    1.7 lbs avg

    Box 828

    Made with croissant dough

    Four of your new favorite treats.

    Generous hand-made buns made with organic croissant dough and topped with sugar.

    Travis at Backwards Bread insisted we offer these if he was making TC Farm an organic croissant!

    These will keep well in your freezer for longer than you'll allow them to stay there!

    Click here to view ingredients

    Sourdough Stuffing Bread

    2 lbs avg

    Box 829

    The base for your favorite holiday stuffing!

    • 2 pounds of our organic Turkey-Red Heritage wheat sourdough, cut into cubes for stuffing
    • Includes an organic herb mix baked right into the bread

    Try in our amazing Grandma McCann stuffing recipe.

    Use these without adding the extra seasoning, but still toast in the oven as described in the recipe.

    Consider getting the 'stuffing bundle' that includes all the special ingredients you need for our stuffing recipe (including these stuffing bread strips).

    Butter Croissants

    1.4 lbs avg

    Box 830

    Hand made and divine

    Six large organic butter croissants 

    After trying the conventional version, we begged Travis at backwards bread to make us an organic option!

    Try with ham and cheese - amazing!

    These will keep well in your freezer for longer than you'll allow them to stay there!

    Click here to view ingredients

    Pizza Crusts

    3 lbs avg

    Box 832

    heritage. organic. sourdough

    four par baked 11.5" pizza crusts made with sourdough, organic, heritage (non-hybridized) turkey red wheat.

    Unless you are eating this within a few days, please keep in the freezer and pull a slice out as needed.

    We love collaborating with Travis at Backwards Bread for all of our sourdough. To learn more about what makes this bread unique and healthy, click here.

    All bread weights are pre-baking and not net weight.

    Bread Heritage White Sourdough

    4 lbs avg

    Box 833

    Sliced Sandwich style bread

    2 loaves of our white heritage sandwich bread.

    Non-hybridized wheat is made from a heritage Turkey Red variety. Many gluten free members are able to tolerate this bread.  

    Each loaf is a larger 2 lb sourdough made with organic heritage wheat, water, yeast, olive oil and salt. 

    Unless you are eating this within a few days, please keep in the freezer and pull a slice out as needed.

    We love collaborating with Travis at Backwards Bread for all of our sourdough. To learn more about what makes this bread unique and healthy, click here.

    All bread weights are pre-baking and not net weight.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Bread Heritage Wheat Sourdough

    4 lbs avg

    Box 834

    Sliced Wheat Sandwich Bread

    2 loaves of our wheat heritage sandwich bread.

    Non-hybridized wheat is made from a heritage Turkey Red variety. Many gluten free members are able to tolerate this bread.  

    Each loaf is a larger 2 lb sourdough made with organic heritage wheat, water, yeast, olive oil and salt. 

    Unless you are eating this within a few days, please keep in the freezer and pull a slice out as needed.

    We love collaborating with Travis at Backwards Bread for all of our sourdough. To learn more about what makes this bread unique and healthy, click here.

    All bread weights are pre-baking and not net weight.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Bread Apple Cinnamon Sourdough

    3 lbs avg

    Box 836

    A hearth bread, thicker sliced

    Two loaves of organic cinnamon apple raisin wheat sourdough bread.

    Bread loaves will be hearth batard shaped bread, not sandwich loaves. 

    Unless you are eating this within a few days, please keep in the freezer and pull a slice out as needed.

    We love collaborating with Travis at Backwards Bread for all of our sourdough. To learn more about what makes this bread unique and healthy, click here.

    All bread weights are pre-baking and not net weight.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Bread Cheese Garlic Sourdough

    3 lbs avg

    Box 838

    A hearth bread, thicker sliced

    Two loaves of cheese and garlic organic wheat sourdough bread.

    Bread loaves will be hearth batard shaped bread, not sandwich loaves. 

    Unless you are eating this within a few days, please keep in the freezer and pull a slice out as needed.

    We love collaborating with Travis at Backwards Bread for all of our sourdough. To learn more about what makes this bread unique and healthy, click here.

    All bread weights are pre-baking and not net weight.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Bread Olive Garlic Sourdough

    3 lbs avg

    Box 839

    A hearth bread, thicker sliced

    Two loaves of olive and garlic organic wheat sourdough bread.

    Bread loaves will be hearth batard shaped bread, not sandwich loaves. 

    Unless you are eating this within a few days, please keep in the freezer and pull a slice out as needed.

    We love collaborating with Travis at Backwards Bread for all of our sourdough. To learn more about what makes this bread unique and healthy, click here.

    All bread weights are pre-baking and not net weight.

    Click here to view ingredients

    Heritage Flour -Whole Wheat

    2.5 lbs avg

    Box 840

    Organic Turkey Red Wheat

    Ultra fine grind makes for better whole wheat baking.

    2.5lb bag of whole wheat flour from Sunrise Flour Mill in North Branch

    This is the wheat we use in our heritage sandwich bread and pizza crust. More digestible and higher nutrient density - Read more here

    Heritage Flour - White All Purpose

    5 lbs avg

    Box 841

    Organic Turkey Red

    5lb bag of white flour from Sunrise Flour Mill in North Branch.

    This is an ideal higher protein flour, can be used as all purpose or for bread making.  

    This is the wheat we use in our heritage sandwich bread and pizza crust. More digestible and higher nutrient density - Read more here

    Oats - Thick and cracked

    2 lbs avg

    Box 845

    Fresh Organic Oats

    2.5 lbs of Freshly-flaked organic oats - minimal processing to retain maximum flavor and nutrition. 

    These oats are milled by hand and have variation in each bag, some will be thicker, almost like a cracked oat and others will be thiner.  This creates a nice texture variation when soaking overnight for porridge/cereal. If using for quick oat cereal (i.e. not soaking overnight) you'll want to include a bit more water and slow cook longer.  They work well in cookies and such, the variation creates a nice texture difference. However, if your recipe needs a uniform thickness, you may want to use a different brand of oats. 

    7 Grain Cereal

    3 lbs avg

    Box 848

    An organic porridge

    3lb of Sunrise Flour Mills 7 grain cereal blend.  Includes heritage cracked wheat, millet, rye, barley, corn, oats and flax

    We prefer to pre-soak and ferment our porridge overnight. Add equal parts water and the cracked grains with a bit of yogurt and allow to sit overnight to improve nutrient content. Add another part of milk/cream or water before cooking in the morning and you'll have a wholesome and satisfying way to start your day. High in fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals -- it's super tasty!

    7 Grain Pancake Mix

    2.5 lbs avg

    Box 850

    A wholesome treat

    2.5lbs of organic pancake mix made with ultra fine ground heritage Turkey Red wheat, Red Fife wheat, oat, rye, buckwheat, wild rice and flax.  

    The wild rice is paddy rice, not cultivated, and comes directly from Minnesota natural stand wild rice. Additional ingredients include organic cane juice as a sweetener, non-aluminum baking powder and salt.

    Fusilli Pasta - Heritage

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 851

    Organic and Traditionally Cured

    Two packages of Fusilli Heritage Pasta from Sunrise Flour Mill. 

    Made with organic and non-hybridized wheat

    Traditionally slow-dried with bronze texture creating dies, NOT extruded on teflon like most grocery pasta. (this is a big deal). 

    Learn more about bronze cut pasta and why it is better than the normal teflon extruded pastas.

    Rigatoni Pasta - Heritage

    1.5 lbs avg

    Box 852

    Organic and Traditionally Cured

    Two packages of Rigatoni Heritage Pasta from Sunrise Flour Mill. 

    Made with organic and non-hybridized wheat

    Traditionally slow-dried with bronze texture creating dies, NOT extruded on teflon like most grocery pasta. (this is a big deal). 

    Learn more about bronze cut pasta and why it is better than the normal teflon extruded pastas.

    Butter Cultured - Organic Valley

    1 lbs avg

    Box 870

    Unsalted one pound - one block

    One pound of unsalted cultured butter from Organic Valley. Comes in a one pound block.

    Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

    1.8 lbs avg

    Box 880

    Cookies - Ready to Bake

    Chocolate Chip cookie dough balls made with natural and organic ingredients.

    Each package includes 12 large frozen dough balls ready to bake straight from the freezer.
    Bigger than your average cookie! 

    These are made for us by Co-op Partners (part of the Wedge and Linden Hills Co-ops).

    Contains organic wheat flour and eggs. 

    Ingredients include: Organic wheat flour, butter, chocolate chips (sugar,chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanilla, salt), brown sugar (sugar, molasses), sugar, organic whole eggs, vanilla extract, baking soda, salt.

    Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Balls

    1.8 lbs avg

    Box 881

    Cookies - Ready to Bake

    Peanut Butter cookie dough balls made with natural and organic ingredients.

    Each package includes 12 large frozen dough balls ready to bake straight from the freezer.
    Bigger than your average cookie! 

    These are made for us by Co-op Partners (part of the Wedge and Linden Hills Co-ops).

    Contains organic wheat flour and eggs. 

    Ingredients: Organic wheat flour (wheat flour, malted barleyflour), peanut butter (roasted peanuts, peanut oil, salt), butter, brown sugar, sugar, organic whole eggs, baking powder (sodium bicarbonate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, corn starch, monocalcium phosphate), salt.

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

    1.8 lbs avg

    Box 882

    Ready to Bake

    Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip cookie dough balls are made with natural ingredients.

    Each package includes 12 large frozen dough balls ready to bake straight from the freezer.
    Bigger than your average cookie! 

    These are made for us by Co-op Partners (part of the Wedge and Linden Hills Co-ops).

    Ingredients: Wheat flour, peanut butter (roasted peanuts, peanut oil, sea salt), chocolate chips (sugar, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanillin), butter, brown sugar, sugar, whole pasteurized eggs, invert sugar, baking powder (sodium acid pyrophosphate, sodium bicarbonate, corn starch, monocalcium phosphate), salt.

    Snickerdoodle Cookie Dough Balls

    1.8 lbs avg

    Box 883

    Ready to Bake

    Snickerdoodle cookie dough balls made with natural and organic ingredients.

    Each package includes 12 large frozen dough balls ready to bake straight from the freezer.
    Bigger than your average cookie! 

    These are made for us by Co-op Partners (part of the Wedge and Linden Hills Co-ops).

    Contains organic wheat flour and eggs. 

    Ingredients: Organic wheat flour, sugar, butter, organic whole eggs, monocalcium phosphate, baking soda, vanilla extract, salt

    Walnut Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Balls

    1.8 lbs avg

    Box 884

    Ready to Bake

    Cookie dough balls made with natural ingredients.

    Each package includes 12 large frozen dough balls ready to bake straight from the freezer.
    Bigger than your average cookie! 

    These are made for us by Co-op Partners (part of the Wedge and Linden Hills Co-ops).

    Ingredients: Wheat flour, brown sugar, chocolate chips (sugar, unsweetened chocolate, cocoa butter, soy lecithin, vanillin), butter, whole grain rolled oats, whole pasteurized eggs, walnuts, sugar, invert sugar, baking soda, salt.


    4 lbs avg

    Box 901

    Top quality apples

    About four pounds of top quality organic apples!

    Apple varieties will include: 
    • Cosmic Crisp
    • Fuji
    • Gala
    • Honeycrisp
    • Pink Lady

      *These apple varieties are are sweet, crisp & relatively large, great for snacking or baking!

    These are a flat rate box, weight may vary.

    Ketchup - Sugar Free

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 908

    Local, Organic

    Did you know most ketchup contains about 20% added sugar?  

    Ketchup Please ketchup is made in Hudson, Wisconsin with organic ingredients and sweetened with only organic stevia. A better for you option that tastes great on everything from burgers and brats to fries and chicken!

    Spicy Ketchup - Sugar Free

    1.25 lbs avg

    Box 909

    Local, Organic

    Did you know most ketchup contains about 20% added sugar?  

    Ketchup Please ketchup is made in Hudson, Wisconsin with organic ingredients and sweetened with only organic stevia. A better for you option that tastes great on everything from burgers and brats to fries and chicken! 

    This spicy version has just enough of a kick without going overboard!

    BBQ Sauce - Organic Classic

    0.87 lbs avg

    Box 910

    Local from Triple Crown

    One 14 ounce bottle of Minneapolis's own ORGANIC sauce - winner of three blue ribbons at the Minnesota State Fair! 

    A classic sweet and smoky sauce.

    Vegan & Gluten Free

    BBQ Sauce - Organic Black Garlic

    0.87 lbs avg

    Box 911

    Local from Triple Crown

    One 14 ounce bottle of Minneapolis's own ORGANIC sauce - winner of three blue ribbons at the Minnesota State Fair! 

    Try the Black Garlic variety for a unique blend of East and West - aged garlic provides an aromatic and umami kick to the American classic.  

    Vegan & Gluten Free

    BBQ Sauce - Organic Hickory Bourbon

    0.87 lbs avg

    Box 912

    Local from Triple Crown

    One 14 ounce bottle of Minneapolis's own ORGANIC sauce - winner of three blue ribbons at the Minnesota State Fair! 

    Try the hickory bourbon variety for an extra kick. Proudly made with small-batch Featherbone Whiskey from the award-winning distillery of Three Packs in Michigan. 

    Vegan & Gluten Free

    1 bottle Hickory Bourbon bbq sauce

    Honey Sampler

    0.3 lbs avg

    Box 914

    3 jars of local, raw honey

    The 3-pack honey gift sampler contains 3 – 2oz jars of local, raw Single Source honey. Ames Farm produces these honeys in sustainable ways in the western metro of the Twin Cities. A gift sure to delight any food lover! 

    Blooming Prairie Raw Honey

    0.75 lbs avg

    Box 915

    Local, Raw, Creamed Honey from Ames Farm

    Blooming Prairie Honey is a raw, creamed honey from Ames Farm based in Watertown, MN. It has a light, sweet taste as it’s made from a blend of early season honeys. This honey is unheated (raw) and whipped so that it has a creamy texture. Since it is whipped it will not crystallize but remain creamy though it is raw honey. It can be used in any recipe that calls for honey and works great spread on toast or a bagel (or eat by the spoonful!) 

    1 jar creamed raw honey

    Squeezable Honey

    1 lbs avg

    Box 916

    Local, Fresh Table Honey

    This local honey is from Ames Farm, based in Watertown, MN. It has a fresh, classic honey taste as it is made from primarily clover honey sources. It comes in a convenient recyclable plastic 1lb squeeze bottle. 

    This honey has been gently heated so that it will stay smooth and pourable without crystalizing for almost a year. It is not considered raw honey.

    Maple Syrup

    1 lbs avg

    Box 919

    Pure MN Maple Syrup

    This amber maple syrup is produced by a TC Farm Member. It is a limited quantity.

    Great for breakfast items, smoothies and baking!

    Once this first run is sold out we will offer another MN maple syrup.

    16 FL OZ

    Beef Kidneys -

    4.5 lbs avg

    Box 9297

    For pet food or the adventurous cook

    5 packages of beef Kidneys

    These are packaged for human consumption OR for adding nutrients to your pet food

    This is a flat rate box and is priced per box, weight may vary.

    Pet Treat - Dried Chicken Breast

    0.25 lbs avg

    Box 9300

    For Cats or Dogs

    Wild Nourish Pet Treats
    Made from TC Farm Chicken
    Wild Nourish all-natural pet treats are carefully sourced and handcrafted in small batches. Hand trimmed and sliced, air-dried chicken breast strips made in Waconia.

    Now sliced thinner for dogs or cats. From TC Farm chicken, so you know it was truly pasture raised.  Made with a single ingredient - no antibiotics, hormones or additives.

    Minnesota made & sourced
    Contents4 oz Pack of thin sliced TC Farm Chicken Breast Strips

    Storage Guideline: Wild Nourish products contain no preservatives. To maintain freshness, store in a cool dry place for up to 60 days, or freeze for up to 6 months.

    Three ways to feed:
    1. Directly from the package or cut into bits with kitchen shears.
    2. Frozen for a heartier texture.
    3. Rehydrated with warm water to soften and enhance flavor.


    The price listed includes sales tax

    Pet Food - Turkey Wing Chew - Large Dog

    0.5 lbs avg

    Box 9301

    Made from TC Farm Turkey

    Wild Nourish Pet Chew - Large dogs

    Recommended for dogs over 55 pounds and to be fed in 2-3 chew sessions. Supervise your pet while consuming and remove any pieces of bone that may break off during chewing. 

    Made from TC Farm Turkey

    Wild Nourish all-natural pet treats are carefully sourced and handcrafted in small batches. These dried turkey neck chews are made in Waconia.  

    Minnesota made & sourced
    Contents: One TC Farm dried and cooked turkey wings

    Storage Guideline: Wild Nourish products contain no preservatives. To maintain freshness, store in a cool dry place for up to 60 days, or keep frozen until use. 

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Pet Treats - Dried Turkey Neck Chews

    0.45 lbs avg

    Box 9302

    Made with TC Farm Turkey

    Wild Nourish Pet Treats

    Made from TC Farm Turkey
    Wild Nourish all-natural pet treats are carefully sourced and handcrafted in small batches. These dried turkey neck chews are made in Waconia.  

    Minnesota made & sourced
    Contents: three TC Farm dried and cooked turkey necks

    Storage Guideline: Wild Nourish products contain no preservatives. To maintain freshness, store in a cool dry place for up to 60 days, or keep frozen until use. 

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Pet Treats - Chew - Pork Trotter

    1 lbs avg

    Box 9304

    Made with TC Farm Pork

    Wild Nourish Pet Treats - Chews
    Made from TC Farm Pork

    Best for dogs over 25 pounds and great for their dental health. Monitor your dog when feeding.

    Wild Nourish all-natural pet treats are carefully sourced and handcrafted in small batches. These dried trotters are made in Waconia.  From TC Farm pork, so you know it was truly pasture raised.  Made with a single ingredient - no antibiotics, hormones or additives.

    Minnesota made & sourced
    Contents: Two TC Farm dried and cooked pork trotters

    Storage Guideline: Wild Nourish products contain no preservatives. To maintain freshness, store in a cool dry place for up to 60 days, or freeze until use.

    The price listed includes sales tax

    Pet Food - Chicken Breast

    7 lbs avg

    Box 9305

    Raw Boneless Breast for Pets

    • ~7lbs of raw not for human consumption boneless chicken breast

    This is for pet owners who know how to formulate their own petfood to use as an ingredient in homemade pet food or as a treat for their pets. The box is flat rate, most boxes are around 7lbs

    Safe Hanlding This product was prepared at an inspected facility, but the facility failed to properly file its paperwork causing the product to become adulterated and not for human consumption. There is no evidence to indicate any mishandling of the product; however, all food products may contain bacteria that could cause illness if the product is mishandled or cooked improperly. For your protection, do NOT use for human consumption & follow these instructions: 1) Keep refrigerated or frozen and thaw in the refrigerator or microwave 2) Keep raw poultry separate from other foods and wash working surfaces (including cutting boards), utensils and hands thoroughly after touching raw meat or poultry 3) Cook thoroughly (any raw use is at your own risk and not recommended for any meat or poultry products) 4) Keep hot foods hot. Refrigerate leftovers immediately or discard

    Pet Food - Ground Chicken Backs

    5 lbs avg

    Box 9307

    Raw, not complete meal

    Five 1 pound packages of our ground chicken backs to be used for pet food.

    These ground chicken backs with the meat and bones all together for your use in formulating your own pet food. Please do not use this for pet food unless you are familiar with how to formulate pet food for your animal, ensure safety for the raw bones ground into the mix and overall handling of a raw product with pets. 

    Pet Food - Chicken Stockbone

    10 lbs avg

    Box 9319

    Raw chicken bones for pets

    • ~10lbs of not for human consumption chicken stockbones (1 to a pack)

    This is for pet owners who know how to formulate their own petfood to use as an ingredient in homemade pet food or as a treat for their pets.

    Safe Hanlding This product was prepared at an inspected facility, but the facility failed to properly file its paperwork causing the product to become adulterated and not for human consumption. There is no evidence to indicate any mishandling of the product; however, all food products may contain bacteria that could cause illness if the product is mishandled or cooked improperly. For your protection, do NOT use for human consumption & follow these instructions: 1) Keep refrigerated or frozen and thaw in the refrigerator or microwave 2) Keep raw poultry separate from other foods and wash working surfaces (including cutting boards), utensils and hands thoroughly after touching raw meat or poultry 3) Cook thoroughly (any raw use is at your own risk and not recommended for any meat or poultry products) 4) Keep hot foods hot. Refrigerate leftovers immediately or discard

    Bulk Chicken Stockbones

    40 lbs avg

    Box 9777

    A great value for stock or pet food use

    Two 17 - 23 pound bags of pasture raised stockbones

    These are for human consumption to make broth, but are also perfect for those feeding their pets a raw food diet. 

    you'll probably want to partially thaw one bag and separate the bones out into a little smaller packs and then re-freeze unless you're going to make quite a bit at once.

    Sweatshirt - Small Alpine Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98101

    Zip-up TC Farm Hoodie

    Small alpine green zip up hoodie with a white TC Farm logo.

    8.5 oz (280 gm) 80% cotton/ 20% polyester blend fleece

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 28in  (From HPS)
    • Chest Width - 20in  (Laid flat)
    • Sleeve Length - 34.5in (From center back to end of cuff)

    Sweatshirt - Medium Alpine Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98102

    Zip-up TC Farm Hoodie

    Medium alpine green zip up hoodie with a white TC Farm logo.

    8.5 oz (280 gm) 80% cotton/ 20% polyester blend fleece

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 29in
    • Chest Width - 22in (Laid flat)
    • Sleeve Length - 35.5in (From center back to end of cuff)

    Sweatshirt - Large Alpine Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98103

    Zip-up TC Farm Hoodie

    Large alpine green zip up hoodie with a white TC Farm logo.

    8.5 oz (280 gm) 80% cotton/ 20% polyester blend fleece

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 30in
    • Chest Width - 24in (Laid flat)
    • Sleeve Length - 36.5in (From center back to end of cuff)

    Sweatshirt - XL Alpine Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98104

    Zip-up TC Farm Hoodie

    Small alpine green zip up hoodie with a white TC Farm logo.

    8.5 oz (280 gm) 80% cotton/ 20% polyester blend fleece

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 31in
    • Chest Width - 26in (Laid flat)
    • Steve Length - 36.5in (From center back to end of cuff)

    Sweatshirt - 2XL Alpine Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98105

    Zip-up TC Farm Hoodie

    Small alpine green zip up hoodie with a white TC Farm logo.

    8.5 oz (280 gm) 80% cotton/ 20% polyester blend fleece

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 32in 
    • Chest Width - 27in (Laid flat)
    • Sleeve Length - 38.5in (From center back to end of cuff)

    T-Shirt - Adult Small Black Heather

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98201

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    Small adult black heather T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 90/10 Airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 28in  
    • Chest Width - 18in  (Laid flat)

    T-Shirt - Adult Medium Black Heather

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98202

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    Medium adult black heather T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd² 
    • 90/10 Airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 29in  
    • Chest Width - 20in  (Laid flat)

    T-Shirt - Adult Large Black Heather

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98203

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    Large adult black heather T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 90/10 Airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 30in  
    • Chest Width - 22in  (Laid flat)

    T-Shirt - Adult XL Black Heather

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98204

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    XL adult black heather T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 90/10 Airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 31in  
    • Chest Width - 24in  (Laid flat)

    T-Shirt - Adult 2XL Black Heather

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98205

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    2XL adult black heather T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 90/10 Airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 32in  
    • Chest Width - 26in  (Laid flat)

    T-Shirt - Adult 3XL Black Heather

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98206

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    3XL adult black heather T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 90/10 Airlume combed and ringspun cotton/polyester

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 33in  
    • Chest Width - 28in  (Laid flat)

    T-Shirt - Youth Small Forest Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98301

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    Small youth forest green T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 100% Airlume combed and ringspun cotton

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 20 7/8 in  
    • Chest Width - 15 1/4 in  (Laid flat)
    • Size (US) 6-8

    T-Shirt - Youth Medium Forest Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98302

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    Medium youth forest green T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 100% Airlume combed and ringspun cotton

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 22 1/8 in  
    • Chest Width - 16 1/4 in  (Laid flat)
    • Size (US) 10-12

    T-Shirt - Youth Large Forest Green

    1 lbs avg

    Box 98303

    Combed and ringspun TC Farm shirt

    Large youth forest green T-Shirt with white TC Farm logo.

    • 4.2 oz./yd²
    • 100% Airlume combed and ringspun cotton

    Size Details:
    • Body Length - 23 3/8 in  
    • Chest Width - 17 1/4 in  (Laid flat)
    • Size (US) 14-16

    T-Shirt - Youth XL Forest Green

    1 lbs avg