A Little More Time to Make Changes

Members getting home deliveries have more time to choose what they get

Posted on May 27, 2021

What Has Changed?

For people who like to skim.

  • Members getting home deliveries can make changes to their upcoming TC Farm delivery much closer to their delivery date
  • Members getting neighborhood deliveries still need to make all changes to next month's delivery by the last day of the month

The member portal, like always, will show you the last day you can make changes to your upcoming delivery:

A Little Background

To get ready for weekly produce deliveries to all our Produce CSA members in June, we've really had to up our game in the warehouse. Big time.

Produce members can add any of our other TC Farm items to any of their deliveries.

  • Produce CSA people who get their deliveries on Tuesdays can make changes to the next week's delivery up through the Thursday before.
  • Produce CSA people who get their deliveries on Wednesdays and Thursdays can make changes to that week's delivery through Sunday night.

(We have to have some sort of a cutoff because we still need time to get everyone's order ready and right!)

It might not seem like a big change -- but we had to really cut down the turnaround time to get those orders out the door and to people's homes. To get this to actually work, we had to completely change the way we get orders ready! We spent the winter and the spring working with people on the early access produce routes to get it all set up. We've done all sorts of boring logistical stuff with labels and pick sheets and our internal systems - we've even changed the layout of the warehouse space itself where we pick the orders so that it would all work. It was kind of a big deal. You've probably started to notice a difference in how we are boxing things. (Hopefully for the better!) All good stuff.

We got really good at it. (A huge shout out to Josh and the rest of the team in the warehouse!!! Rock stars!)

Anyway - once we figured out how to do this for our members getting produce, we wondered: Why not do this for everyone getting home deliveries?

So we did!

Starting in June, anyone who is getting a home delivery can now make changes to their upcoming delivery much closer to the date of that delivery.

  • If your home delivery is on a Tuesday, you can make changes to that delivery up through the Thursday before the delivery

  • If your home delivery is on a Wednesday or Thursday, you can make a change to that delivery up through Sunday night of that week

Instead of being charged on the 1st of the month, members getting home deliveries will now be charged the day after the cutoff for changes. (Since we won't know exactly what you are getting or how much to charge until that day)

It's not a big change but it is a big deal.

Just think of how much easier it will be to plan what you are getting the next month. Find a recipe that catches your eye over the weekend and want to add an item to your order coming later the next week? Now you can!!

Neighborhood Changes Haven't Changed

Because of the way we have to box and wrap everything up for our neighborhood delivery routes, nothing has changed there.

If you are getting your food delivered to one of our almost 80 neighborhood pickup sites: We still love you! But -- you still need to make any changes to your upcoming delivery by the last day of the month.

Food raised the right way. With more choices and more flexibility - we're trying to make eating right easy! And we'll keep looking for ways to keep getting ever better at what we do!

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