Farm Musings

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Freezer Space and "Uncured" Food

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, handbook

Ever wish you had more freezer space so that you could get just a little extra bacon or maybe a big pack of our maple-blueberry brats every so often? Here is the secret tip that you've been waiting for...

Picking up Your Food

Posted by Andrew Koss | Tags: newsletter, handbook

With 70+ neighborhood pickup sites across the Twin Cities, it is easy to get your food. But if you've never picked up before, you might wonder what picking up is like. (Hint: It's SOOO easy.) Wonder no more! We've even got a video to show you. Enjoy.

Member Discounts for 2019

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook, article, Member News

Several ways to save even more money with TC Farm

Perfectly Cooked Chicken Thighs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook, recipes, newsletter, article, chicken, thighs

Slow growth chicken is nothing like the fast growth factory genetics found at the farmers' and supermarkets. While it tastes SO much better, it can also be trickier to cook. Here are some tips to make sure the next TC Farm chicken thighs you cook have great texture and taste amazing too!

Slow Smoked Chicken

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news, handbook

I've been experimenting with slow smoked chicken wings and drumsticks and I LOVE the results. I'd like your feedback and ideas. EDIT: We now have plain salted drumsticks and wings available in many of our packages. Please read for cooking tips and provide more feedback and recipe ideas.

Preparing Perfect Pastured Pork Chops

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, handbook, pork, recipes, pork chop, sous vide

We've learned a lot over the years on how to prepare tender juicy pork -- not that dry cardboard stuff you might remember. A well prepared organic pork chop can rival any steak, give it a shot!

Cancellation Policy

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook

Part of the TC.Farm Handbook. What is our cancellation policy?

TC - Prime

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook

TC: Prime is our optional program which provides extra discounts, first chance to order specialty seasonal items which always sell out and tickets to TC Farm events.

More About Cooking Our Dark Meat

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: cooking tips, member news, newsletter, handbook

Our chicken is raised over twice as long as pretty much all other chicken. This leads to stronger, healthier birds and fuller flavors. But it also can make cooking it more challenging if you don't know what to expect. Here, we take the time to explain a little more about the HOW and the WHY of cooking TC Farm Chicken.

Member Preferences and Requests

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook, member news

Once you are a member, you may find you want to update your regular deliveries. Learn about how you can update your preferences: (1) Set it and Forget it (2) Make a Specific Request (3) Setup a Regular Request

Picking Up Your Package

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook

A quick guide for what to expect when you pickup your first package.

What To Expect In Your Packages

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook

Some helpful tips about what to you can expect as a subscriber. The amount of food you'll receive and how that varies month to month.

All About Frozen Meat

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: handbook

Have you used frozen meats before? Here are some great tips for helping to make them convenient.