Farm Musings

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New February Items

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, Member News

We continue to expand our favorite grocery item offering. With your support, we focus on the highest quality food and are then able to offer these items at less than grocery prices. Keep your requests coming!

Cheese Tips

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

Cheese is amazing! Well made cheese is like nothing else, and it deserves your care. Artisan cheeses are alive and fermenting - continually aging and improving flavor. Here's how to get the most out of your cheeses!

Looking Back - Looking Ahead

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

Happy New Year! Here we look back on some of what we did in 2020 and look ahead to 2021 and what we hope to get done.

Musical Hens

Posted by Elizabeth O'Sullivan | Tags: Newsletter, Elizabeth O'Sullivan

Elizabeth, who raises hens for us, shared this story. Turns out hens have specific musical tastes. And react differently to different parts of it.

Mushroom Butter & Delicata

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, vegetarian, Recipes, 05-24-2022

Here is a seasonal idea on how to use our amazing organic mushroom butter OR make your own using extra fresh mushrooms.

New Items to Kick off 2021

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, Member News

We're starting 2021 off with some amazing new items not available anywhere else including several new items members have been asking for!

Reserve Your 2021 Produce Share

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

We have a limited number of produce shares available for 2021. Veggies. Fruit. Dairy add-ons too.

Farming is always an adventure

Posted by Elizabeth O'Sullivan | Tags: Newsletter, Elizabeth O'Sullivan

Musings on this summer's feed bin upgrade project, a barn burning, and surviving in this crazy life.

Holiday Egg Recipes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

Don't forget about all the great holiday recipes that use eggs. It's the last chance to get holiday eggs that you can't buy in any grocery!

TC Farm Weekly Produce and Dairy Delivery

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, member news

After years work behind-the-scenes to provide produce delivery for our members, we are excited to share our plans for 2021!

Leaving an International Consulting Career to Raise Chickens

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter

Jack presented to the Minneapolis City of Lakes Rotary Club last week about why and how he left his consulting career to start TC Farm with Betsy. Watch the presentation to learn about the history, challenges, and what we can do to improve the food system.

Organic Dried Fruit and Nuts

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, nuts, Member News

Now that we have our own warehouse, we can finally offer more of the products Betsy and Jack have enjoyed for years. These are our favorite dried fruits and nuts, now available at a less than retail price for our members!

Cheese from Alemar

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: Newsletter, cheese, Member News

Jack and Betsy have been huge fans of Alemar cheese shortly after Kevin founded the small-batch local artisan creamery in Mankato. Having cheese made from well-raised cows is really hard to come by and it tastes amazing. The Camembert has been our go-to cheese for years, but with the pandemic, we've allowed ourselves a treat to bring it more into our daily route. We're SO excited to share several of their cheeses with you!

New for November: Pet Treats and Ginger

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news

We're always on the lookout for great things to offer our members. For November, besides all the great turkey offerings we have, TC Farm is also offering pet treats and ginger!

Crispy Salmon with Ginger-scallion sauce

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, Recipes, fish, 03-22-2022

This was a fun meal to make - the sauce was just fantastic using our fresh baby organic ginger. Really unique and worth the effort.