Farm Musings

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Sautéed cabbage and peas

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, side, vegetarian, 06-07-2022

Simple easy side dish.... I can't believe how good fried cabbage is, I mean its just cabbage!

Herb-Stuffed Chicken Breasts

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, chicken, breast, 10-19-2021

Looking for a fresh, easy, and tasty way to use your boneless chicken breasts? We loved this. We separated the tenders from the breasts and made them all the same way so we ended up with normal-sized and kid-sized rolls in the end.

Birthday Cake Challenge

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: dessert, recipes, sugar-free

I can hear it now - Oh come on... really? what has this world come to when kids need a sugar free birthday cake?!? Wait... Just wait... this cake is really good, I promise. It also is super healthy for you and your kids. There are no 'pretend' colors, or allergens, or anything that should cause any distress to a growing or aging body. Oh, did I mention it takes no time to make?

Deconstructed Meatballs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, pork, ground pork

Meatballs take more time that we have right now. Instead of spending my entire evening cooking, I made the following recipe loosely based on the meatball recipe. We served this on top of plain cooked quinoa, but any grain you like to use would do fine. Rice, cous cous, pasta – use whatever you have in your pantry.

Zuppa Toscana

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, soup, sausage

I used to love this soup at that chain Italian joint. That is until we pretty much stopped eating refined grains or meat from a factory. I can’t wait to have some of this again, what a great idea!

Roasted Garbanzo Beans with Swiss Chard and Garlic

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, vegetarian, sides, 05-24-2022, 05-31-2022

This is a great side dish that goes with everything... or it could even be a main dish if you prefer!

Our favorite healthy chocolate treat

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, dessert, newsletter, sugar-free

As we learned more about nutrition and human biology, it became clear that excess grains and refined sugar was bad for us... and not in the 'some day' sense, but noticeable right now. However, we still love chocolate and needed a way to get our fix...

Amazing Banana Pancakes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: eggs, recipes, newsletter, breakfast, 06-07-2022

Kids love pancakes. The trouble is that even gluten free ones are full of processed flour which are really hard on developing bodies. These 'cakes' are a HUGE hit with our kids and we love how healthy they are.

Savory and Sweet Pot Roast with Root Veggies

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: beef, recipes, roasts, crockpot

This recipe is a little more work than a basic pot roast, but it really is fantastic. Give it a shot!

Chicken Pot Pie

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, chicken, shredded chicken, drumsticks, thighs, video

A classic favorite but it tastes SO much better with our TC Farm chicken. Something to warm you up on these cold January evenings!


Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: sides, recipes, bones, newsletter, 04-05-2022

Risotto is really simple to make, but it is outstanding when done right. The trick is having patience as well as good rice and broth. It can be a stand alone meal or a side dish. I love taking the time to caramelize the onions this recipe calls for...

Paprika Beef Stew

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, beef, roasts

This is our favorite recipe for beef chuck roasts. We love to make up a bunch of it and freeze portions for later use.

Gotta Have it Pate'

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, sides, chicken, liver

Liver, a ‘traditional food’, is very nourishing yet does not have a presence in most modern households. If you have never given liver a chance, this is a great way to try it.

The Best Eggnog

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: dessert, recipes, eggs, newsletter

If you're going to splurge and have eggnog, you really ought to make it yourself. It is quite easy and delicious! Seems like the New Year is a perfect time to serve this up for some guests!

Crème Brulee a la Betsy

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, dessert, eggs, video

A delicious treat that your family and guests will love. Not nearly as hard to make as you might think. Read the recipe to learn more and be sure to watch Betsy's video to see for yourself! Makes 6 servings.