Farm Musings

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Amazing Banana Pancakes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: eggs, recipes, newsletter, breakfast, 06-07-2022

Kids love pancakes. The trouble is that even gluten free ones are full of processed flour which are really hard on developing bodies. These 'cakes' are a HUGE hit with our kids and we love how healthy they are.

Grass Fed No More - USDA drops standard for grass fed beef

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: news, newsletter

Wow. One thing I've learned over the years is that all the claims made on labels in the store pretty much mean nothing. We started farming in the first place because we couldn't find any small local farmers doing everything we wanted. Now that the USDA AMS has dropped their standard for 'grass fed', that label can mean literally anything.


Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: sides, recipes, bones, newsletter, 04-05-2022

Risotto is really simple to make, but it is outstanding when done right. The trick is having patience as well as good rice and broth. It can be a stand alone meal or a side dish. I love taking the time to caramelize the onions this recipe calls for...

Farming Perks for Parents

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, farm

Having kids on a farm is full of different sort of challenges our suburban upbringing didn't quite prepare us for. Overall it is great though. Here is one perk I appreciated today...

No Way to Know Where Your Meat is From

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, news

Do you know where your meat is from? Meat labeling laws have been repealed. There is no longer a requirement for meat to indicate its country of origin.

The Best Eggnog

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: dessert, recipes, eggs, newsletter

If you're going to splurge and have eggnog, you really ought to make it yourself. It is quite easy and delicious! Seems like the New Year is a perfect time to serve this up for some guests!

Egg Labels and what they Really Mean

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

Animal Welfare Approved, Free-Range, Cage-Free... sometimes all those terms sound the same. It can be confusing. Vox did a great write-up of what all those different terms mean and what you should be looking for with your eggs...

Immersion Blender

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: tools, article, newsletter, member news

The inexpensive kitchen tool everyone needs. We use our immersion blender ALL the time... from smoothies, to soups, to aioli/hollandaise to pate. This is the best investment for your kitchen -- saves a TON of time.

Vitamin A: Why Everyone Should Be Eating Liver

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article, health

Vitamin A is a critical nutrient that most people in northern climates and specifically children are deficient in. This is because most of us are unable to convert beta-carotine found in plants or multi-vitamins into true bio-available vitamin A. Read more about how important this is to your family's health.

Fall Farm Update

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, member news, farm, video

What a year! Here is an update about our crazy year and our life in general. Some of my favorite photos and even a video of 2.5 year old Lauren and her 'pet' snake.

More About Cooking Our Dark Meat

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: cooking tips, member news, newsletter, handbook

Our chicken is raised over twice as long as pretty much all other chicken. This leads to stronger, healthier birds and fuller flavors. But it also can make cooking it more challenging if you don't know what to expect. Here, we take the time to explain a little more about the HOW and the WHY of cooking TC Farm Chicken.

Cancer and Red Meat - WHO study

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: health, news, hormones, cancer, newsletter

Last month the World Health Organization made big news talking about the correlation between red meat consumption and cancer. This was no surprise to us, we've been saying that eating the meat commonly available causes cancer for years! Here's what YOU need to know.