Farm Musings

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The Best $2 Kitchen Tool Ever

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, tools, news

One of the biggest challenges to cooking and eating real food is clean up. We write our recipes in a way to reduce the amount of dishes to wash afterwards. However, this tool makes cleaning the dishes SO much easier. I literally use it every single day.

Amazing Banana Pancakes

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: eggs, recipes, newsletter, breakfast, 06-07-2022

Kids love pancakes. The trouble is that even gluten free ones are full of processed flour which are really hard on developing bodies. These 'cakes' are a HUGE hit with our kids and we love how healthy they are.

Savory and Sweet Pot Roast with Root Veggies

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: beef, recipes, roasts, crockpot

This recipe is a little more work than a basic pot roast, but it really is fantastic. Give it a shot!

Chicken Pot Pie

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, chicken, shredded chicken, drumsticks, thighs, video

A classic favorite but it tastes SO much better with our TC Farm chicken. Something to warm you up on these cold January evenings!

Grass Fed No More - USDA drops standard for grass fed beef

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: news, newsletter

Wow. One thing I've learned over the years is that all the claims made on labels in the store pretty much mean nothing. We started farming in the first place because we couldn't find any small local farmers doing everything we wanted. Now that the USDA AMS has dropped their standard for 'grass fed', that label can mean literally anything.


Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: sides, recipes, bones, newsletter, 04-05-2022

Risotto is really simple to make, but it is outstanding when done right. The trick is having patience as well as good rice and broth. It can be a stand alone meal or a side dish. I love taking the time to caramelize the onions this recipe calls for...

Farming Perks for Parents

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, farm

Having kids on a farm is full of different sort of challenges our suburban upbringing didn't quite prepare us for. Overall it is great though. Here is one perk I appreciated today...

No Way to Know Where Your Meat is From

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, news

Do you know where your meat is from? Meat labeling laws have been repealed. There is no longer a requirement for meat to indicate its country of origin.

Paprika Beef Stew

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, beef, roasts

This is our favorite recipe for beef chuck roasts. We love to make up a bunch of it and freeze portions for later use.

Gotta Have it Pate'

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, sides, chicken, liver

Liver, a ‘traditional food’, is very nourishing yet does not have a presence in most modern households. If you have never given liver a chance, this is a great way to try it.

Guide to Using Fresh Herbs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, cooking tips, 10-19-2021

Our cookbook often calls for adding herbs to a recipe. The good folks at Cooksmarts came up with an amazing infographic to help you out when you're ready to branch out and try something new.

The Best Eggnog

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: dessert, recipes, eggs, newsletter

If you're going to splurge and have eggnog, you really ought to make it yourself. It is quite easy and delicious! Seems like the New Year is a perfect time to serve this up for some guests!

Crème Brulee a la Betsy

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, dessert, eggs, video

A delicious treat that your family and guests will love. Not nearly as hard to make as you might think. Read the recipe to learn more and be sure to watch Betsy's video to see for yourself! Makes 6 servings.

Egg Labels and what they Really Mean

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

Animal Welfare Approved, Free-Range, Cage-Free... sometimes all those terms sound the same. It can be confusing. Vox did a great write-up of what all those different terms mean and what you should be looking for with your eggs...

Mashed Parsnips

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, sides, 05-16-2022

Parsnips are really super good, probably my favorite side right now. Consider doubling this recipe and save the extras for the next morning to make cakes fried in bacon fat to have with your eggs.