Farm Musings

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Eat Local Farm Tour - Save the Date...

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

We will be participating in the annual Eat Local Farm Tour organized by the local cooperatives -- save the date!

Moroccan Ragout - Vegetarian

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, vegetarian, sides, vegan

Betsy always saves ideas for recipes that pile up when we don't have time to cook as much as we'd like. This one she kept around for years until we finally tried it out. We made a few modifications and really like how it turned out!

Smoked - Sous Vide Pulled Pork

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: pork, pork roast, smoker, sous vide, recipes

There is nothing like slow cooked - low temp sous vide pork. The problem is that it just isn't very smoky. Here is a great recipe to combine the best of BBQ and modern cooking techniques.

About TC Farm

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, video

We had a lot of people stop by our booth at the CSA Fair this weekend. And we learned a lot about the sorts of things people want to know about our farm. We put together the answers to 5-6 of the most common questions and made this video.

Sweet Apple Carnitas

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, pork, pork roast, newsletter, crockpot

When we were sampling our pork at Lakewinds, everyone was asking for the recipe of the carnitas we were serving. The deli department made up the recipe, so I didn't know it... but I decided to tinker and make up my own adding a few twists -- turned out AMAZING!

Seward Co-Op 15th Annual CSA Fair

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: news, article, CSA

We'll be at the Seward Co-Op's Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Fair this Saturday, April 16th from 11am - 2pm. This is your chance to learn about all sorts of great local CSAs. If you (or your friends) have some questions you'd like to ask Farmer Jack, there's never been a better time!

True Cost Farm is now TC.Farm

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter, member news

We're really excited about a couple of changes here on the farm. One of the most obvious ones is our name. We've shortened it a little. But that's the ONLY shortcut we take! We're STILL raising and delivering grass-fed, pasture-raised meats raised from heritage breeds with no GMOs and fed organic or transition to organic grains. We are now TC Farm!

Slow Cooker Pork Roast

Posted by Josh King | Tags: pork roast, pork shoulder, easy, recipes, crockpot

If you're like us, you're busy enough with work and daily activities that coming home to make a meal sometimes isn't what you want to do at the end of the day. That's one of the reasons we love our slow cooker. Here is a great pork roast recipe you can have waiting for you to enjoy after a long day at work!

Easter Eggs

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: newsletter, article

The top 9 Easter Egg and hen photos! Our favorite images of eggs and our pasture raised hens... Bonus: The best egg RECIPES!

Calves Born on Pasture

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, newsletter

I love watching new calves hit the ground... they are so amazing and fast at getting up and nursing. Here is a photo of our latest bull calf who's first time mother did a great job bringing him into the world.

Hidden Health Cost of Packaging

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: article, news, newsletter, health

A newly published study tallies the hidden cost of something we've been watching for years: The packaging commonly used in meats may be causing serious health problems. This report finds the chemicals used in meat packaging may conservatively cause over 1.5 BILLION dollars of damage every year in the European Union. And that is just focusing on two diseases which may be associated with them.

Brussels Sprouts with Saffron Hollandaise

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: sides, vegetarian, recipes, 05-16-2022, 06-07-2022

Easy.. this is really easy... Bacon Fat Fried Organic Brussel Sprouts with FAST from scratch Saffron Hollandaise. Yum.

Pork chops with a summer salad and peanut dressing

Posted by Jack McCann | Tags: recipes, pork chop, chicken breast, 05-16-2022, 05-24-2022

With the snow on the way, we thought a nice summer scene would go nicely with the summer salad. This recipe works equally well with pork chops or chicken breasts. Although the ingredient list looks long, it is so easy to prepare. Everything can be made ahead of time which makes it a great dish for entertaining.

Mushroom Squash Risotto

Posted by Josh King | Tags: sides, recipes, soup, mushroom, 02-08-2022, 03-29-2022

We love vegetarian meals. Rice isn’t something we should eat all the time for a wide range of reasons, but there nothing like a REAL risotto with Arborio rice. Strictly speaking this dish isn’t vegetarian since a homemade broth is essential to the flavor. The broth also adds electrolytes and helps cushion the onslaught of carbs the rice throws at us. This meal takes time to do it right, but it is easy. Just get a glass of wine and have a nice conversation.

Using suet to make soap, bird feeders and more

Posted by Josh King | Tags: article, newsletter

A lot of new members (and even people who have been with us for a while) have questions about our 'traditional foods' What are you supposed to -do- with 'suet' anyway?? In this article we'll talk about how to render suet and make some fantastic things. This is a really rewarding way for many of our members to take things to the next level!