Garlic Mashed Potato

Active time: 10 • Total time: 25

Posted on Nov 29, 2015 by Jack McCann
Tags: video sides recipes 05-16-2022 06-07-2022 06-14-2022


  • 3lbs of organic russet potatoes
  • 1 bulb of garlic (a heritage hardneck variety is best)
  • 4-6T Butter
  • 1/4C Sour cream (or plain cream)
  • Salt


  1. Wrap garlic in foil (or just put on a plate) and roast at 350 for 30min. It helps if you cut the very top off of each clove, but this isn't required.
  2. Chop potatoes (peel if you want).
  3. Place into a pot and bring to a boil. Then simmer until fork tender (about 15 min).
  4. Strain and return to pot.
  5. Add about 4-6 T of butter and about the same amount of the cream.
  6. Season with salt
  7. Squeeze or scoop the garlic out and into the pot.
  8. Mash using a hand masher. Never use an electric blender of any sort. This is a great one to use, I prefer this style over the round ones available.

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